Speaking to an Elder tomarrow, I'm almost free!!!!!!!

by drew sagan 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • La Capra
    La Capra


    All it took for me was one flaw in the WTBTS version of things for the whole house of cards to fall. The reason? Because it claims it is the only truth. By inculcating me with their black and white thinking from the day I was born, it was black and white thinking, on my part, that allowed one chink to condemn them completely. Perhaps this was what kicked in your wife?

    My exit was in the 80s, though. I understand there is a lot of talk of "imperfect humans" these days, and waiting on Jehovah... So maybe they filled that hole with some putty since I've been gone.

    Best of life to you and your wife,


  • Robdar

    Wishing you the best of luck.

    Heh, now that you will no longer be a witness, you can say things like "Luck".

    Congratulations on your near freedom. Don't forget to update us.


  • greendawn

    You can write off the elders they are predetermined not to listen to rational arguments, all they care about is that someone is rocking the boat and challnging the FDS authority and status. No one can possibly get things better than the FDS, that will damage his god appointed image. So anything you say will be wasted on them.

    The really good news is that your wife woke up to the WTS trickery, that will save you a lot of trouble.

  • IP_SEC

    good luck to you drew. Dont let them sucker you back in

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Good luck with your wife Drew. Hopefully your progress with her will continue.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Well I didn't actually sit down and talk with the elder today. We are going to meet instead tomarrow evening. I'm still excited about the developments between me and my wife though. Last night she even eluded to the fact that we both might get put out of the congregation but that it didn't matter to her.
    The most amazing thing about it all is how LITTLE my wife actually believes what the Watchtower teaches. As we where going over things last night she kept saying "i didn't know that we even believe that" or "we taught that?, really???". Everything is working out quite well, I am very suprised and thrilled at the same time. I'll let everybody know how the meeting with the elder goes tomarrow. Thanks again!

  • Carmel

    Good on ya Drew! I think you have chosen wisely on how to limit the discussion to the Olivet Discourse. Obviously your wife can see the chinks in the JW armor. Now, let us know, (I'm sure you will) how elderman took it!

    carmel with fingers crossed!

  • HappyDad

    That's wonderful news Drew.

    So glad that your wife has somewhat of an open mind. Who knows.........hopefully your exit will be with an eventual partner. What happy days that will be for you!

    Best of luck with your meeting tomorrow.


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Wow Drew!!

    I just read your post! I am so happy your wife finally listened. And you didn't have to get sucked back in deeper to try to get her out! She aparently has been keeping her feelings bottled up. You must be elated!!! Please keep us posted as to how things are going for you regarding your wife. As well as the meeting with the Elders.


    Lady Liberty

  • xjwms

    and to think.............

    It was'nt that long ago we were helping put a talk together.

    I hope all goes well.........wish I could say the same.......however.. my wife missed the meeting today.

    She stayed home with me and we worked on the yard.....had a nice lunch.... and rested.

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