Who do you want to meet?

by greendawn 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mulan

    I would have to say some of my ancestors. Then I could get answers to all the questions I have that there is no info about in the records.

    Someone else mentioned Bill Maher. I would love to meet him, and pick his brains. The problem with meeting celebrities is that it's usually just a quick hello and handshake. I'd like a conversation.

    The only celebrity I've met that I've gotten to actually talk to is Mark Victor Hansen (author of Chicken Soup for the Soul books). I had breakfast with him in Hawaii, and he was so nice. I didn't know who he was until he stood up to go to the buffet, and I read his badge, attached to his belt. When he came back to the table, then I could talk on a different level. He's great.

  • mdb

    I'm surprised nobody wants to meet Jesus Christ. Even if you don't believe Him, He is and always will be the most influential, life-changing man that has even walked the earth. I wonder what He looked like in the flesh? The bible says He was of no reputation and that no man should be attracked to Him by physical appearances. That's who I long to meet... my Lord.

    Moses, Isaiah, Abraham, King David, Solomon, Adam & Eve, the 12 disciples, Paul... they'd be a pleasure to meet as well, but one day I will.

  • Brigid

    There are many:

    Richard Linklater

    Isaac Luria

    Thomas Jefferson

    Toni Morrison



    Chris Martin

  • jstalin

    Thomas Jefferson

    Marcus Aurelius


  • lowden

    Jimmy Page

    Paul McCartney

    Joni Mitchell

    Aldous Huxley

    Van Gogh

    Mary Shelley

    Jeff Buckley

    Melanie Sykes (Yummeeee)

    Alexander the Great


    That Jesus bloke

    And maybe my Dad.....



  • bebu

    I got asked a similar question 12 years ago, "Who would you like to have lunch with?" and I answered 1) CS Lewis (he died in 1962) and 2) Richard Wurmbrand (who was still living at that time).

    Four years after that, I actually DID get to eat lunch with Richard Wurmbrand. I got his autograph, a photo of us (still on my mantle), and he let me give him a kiss on the cheek. Amazing. (He died a couple years after that, at age 92, I think.)


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