Wow. You all were spot on. Lurkers need to read.

by Oxnard Hamster 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Quite some time ago, I made a topic asking for advice concerning a friend I had that is still a JW. He's the guy who initially recruited me. After I left, he still contacted me occassionally, sometimes offering to help me find a job and whatnot. However, I suspected his motive was to recruit me back into the fold, as many of you said.

    Recently, I finally worked up the courage to tell him straight up that I have no interest in the JW religion. I was not impolite. I did not insult the organization in any way shape or form. Irregardless, he never contacted me after that. It seems you were all right; he never was a true friend to begin with and was only pretending to be one in order to sucker me back in.

    I'm not posting this for pity; I have plenty of other true friends, whom I can count on. I just hope current JWs who have serious doubts read this and realize that there is no such thing as a true friend in the organization.

    It kind of reminds me of how New York Yankee fans responded to A-Rod after he hit a home run after being down several runs behind the Red Sox; count on him when the run doesn't count. The JWs are kind of that way. You can count on them as long as you are a JW, are following all their doctrines to the letter, attending the meetings, etc. But when you fall on hard times, they'll drop you like a hot potato. What good is that? Wouldn't they be better friends if they bothered to help people who were down? What good is supporting someone who is up?

    Borderline JWs, read this and take warning. We all know you are out there lurking.

  • orangefatcat

    I am so sorry that has happened to you, that someone goes so far to tell you that they are your best friend and the instant you have questions or no longer show as much interest you've got the plague.

    Sad isn't? It was interesting what you said about no true friends exist in the jw land. Because truly devote friends don't disband when a another person needs some advise or help. It like being a leper.

    I know this sister in my old congregation from years ago, from time to time I run into her in different stores in our town. She always talks to me, even though she knows I am disfellowshipped. (my mom and family should be more like her). She has told me several times she has virtually no friends in the Kingdom Hall, everyone is so standoffish. She says she is so lonely. As teens we would go to her home to go swimming and have bbqs but over the years people stopped coming over or couldn't be bothered. Her husband was one of my favourite elders. He got a raw deal when a senior brother moved into our cong, and because of his number of years being in the truth and being older the body of elders, my dad, decided to make a change and make my friend step aside so the elder brother could preside. What a crock. This really hurt this other elder to the point that he and his family continued living in the territory of our cong but stopped coming to it and started going to a KH in Barrie. several miles out of their way. He was truly hurt. That hurt lasted a lot of years. Now after many years of being away from that hall they now are back again and why, cause my dad died, He felt save to return. Though no longer an elder he still is seeing this as an insult. I believe from what my friend told me (elders wife that I have met several times) they never again have felt apart of the organizaiton and have no true friends as I stated above. I told her if at any time she wished to speak to me I would gladly like to visit her and talk. I told her I would be her true friend. She is thinking about it.....I am hoping she see the organziation for what it really is and I told her about the UN thing and the pedophilia cases in cong. It was purported that in this cong we all were in there was a father who was a pedeofile but has been kepted hush hush for many long years.

    I do hope that you seek out the friendships you have with others and forget this witness.

    Your friend


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Yep - you are dead on. There is only 'conditional' friendship in the organization. The condition being that you are in the organization and living up to all the watchtower rules. If one dares to leave, all is dissolved.

    Many here [including me and wifey], have lost our whole social structure of 40 years when we left.

    I hope many lurkers do read this - as they already know this is true - and it is a good reason to leave for some.


  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    She has told me several times she has virtually no friends in the Kingdom Hall, everyone is so standoffish. She says she is so lonely.

    Wow. Why doesn't she just leave? I understand why some find it so hard, since they are so popular (or so they think) in the Kingdom Hall, but it sounds like she has no ties to her congregation, so she might as well give them the slip. Besides, can't she see you are a true friend, and not those phoney witnesses? I hope your friend works up the courage to do the right thing.

  • serendipity

    Hi ox, it's good that you had other friends to fall back on.

  • Honesty

    You want to know what is so sad about the JW's?

    I left in 2004 when I accepted Christ. The JW's know this little tidbit and still shun me because the WT says I am an apostate.

    I have been a member of a large church (3500+ membership in a city of 150,000) for about 15 months and have 100's more meaningful relationships and real friends there than I did in almost 20 years association with the JW's.

  • Lilycurly

    She probably doesn't leave, because even though the "brothers and sisters" treat her like dirt, she probably still think it's the truth. Also, she's married to a dub, this can't help.

  • collegegirl21

    Sorry that happened to you. At least you found out now, rather than 5 or 10 years down the road.

  • juni

    We've all found this to be true, Ox, about the conditional friends in the orgs.

    I'm just happy I'm out and experiencing caring friends. Best to you!


  • daystar

    Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote what I think is the best essays I've ever read, on friendship:

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