Guess what happened at McDonalds today!

by Bendrr 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bendrr

    After a long morning I was desparately hungry but too busy to go to a proper eating establishment. So I settled for (gag) a fast-food joint to get my blood sugar back up, not to mention damage my wonderfully low blood pressure and cholesterol level.
    As usual there is some trailer-park-dwelling ding-dong mommy there with must have been 5 kids wreaking havoc. As I went to pay, I dropped a twenty on the floor. One of the little rugrats grabbed it and ran back to mommy. I went over and confronted her and the kid. She puffed up with attitude and said "well I don't see your name on it".
    Well it was McDonalds so the staff was no help at all, what a suprise.
    As she gathered her brood to leave, I noticed she had left a shopping bag from Kroger. I quickly grabbed it and followed the future felon family out the door. I had made it to the car when she came running over hollering at me. Oh, that was her bag and I had better give it back. I just smiled and replied "I didn't see your name on it" as my T-Bird smoked her tires on the way out.

    911 is the number you call AFTER the shots are fired.

  • ballistic

    I absolutely love the McDonalds scene in the film "FALLING DOWN" where the guy shoots the place to bits. Great scene.

    For those that haven't seen it, this guy asks for the breakfast burger or whatever, and it's about 2 mins past 11 so he can't have one. He gets a shot gun out and goes, well, ballistic.

  • closer2fine

    So ah, what was in the bag????

    At least $20 bucks worth of something I hope! :o)


    I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
    than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance - e.e. cummings

  • claudia

    I hate trailer trash, no not EVERYONE that lives in a trailer is trash, but in this state, yes the majority is trash.

  • Tatiana

    Please tell us WHAT WAS IN THE BAG!!!!!!!!

    Tampons? Pork rinds? Fatback? WHAT??????


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • Cassiline

    Well i have heard a similar story it was a joke the story I heard anyway....... and after everyone asks what was in the bag the person who tells the story says Bull s***. because that what the story is bull, the one I heard was anyway. I'm not saying this story is....... but the joke I heard was.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • BoozeRunner

    Did you get fries with that ???


  • crossroads

    Trailer Park Trash--Could you define that for me?

    Never mind I've seen enough here lately maybe you
    should have brought her back to add to the pack.

  • joelbear

    Oh Bendrr,

    I've been hooking people with that story since the 70's.

  • Bendrr

    What was in the bag you ask? The same load of bull I just handed you!

    911 is the number you call AFTER the shots are fired.

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