Big WT article this week!

by 5thGeneration 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby
    It's another psychological trick by the GB to motivate the dubs who are apparently losing their enthusiasm for the org, trying to identify them with the negligent Jews that got jehovah angry, the assumption is that jehovah is angry with the negligent JWs today.

    Well said Greendawn

    One one hand....." the nations are 'streaming' to the mountain of Jehovah" On this same hand Jehovah is "speeding up the work in his DUE time". And on this same hand since 1919 Jehovah has blessed his people who have proven worthy at vindicating his mighty name and making known the Good News.

    ...but on the other hand, his people have slowed down, become lax, they are spiritually lazy and apathetic.

    The poor bald bastards are truely showing their dementia more and more with each passing year. They give pats on the back while they are kicking these same ones in the they have ALWAYS done.


  • itsallgoodnow

    I think it's funny. They are definitely acting from a desperate and weak position. I would expect them to resort to this sort of thing, of course. This religion has lost it's magic and the people just don't feel compelled to do much for it anymore. Eventually, the Y generation will take over and I am afraid that will be the end of it.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Eventually, the Y generation will take over and I am afraid that will be the end of it.

    May I change that to;?

    Eventually, the E generation [internet et al] will take over and I am afraid that will be the end of it.


  • blondie

    Is it no wonder that most JWs identify so strongly with the Jews rather than the Christians...Why doesn't the WTS realize why they can't find Christian examples of the issues they wish to beat the flock with?

  • heathen
    Wow, there certainly are no examples Bible of trying to shift responsiblity, are there?

    Well you know the old saying of , shit goes down hill . LOL

    I agree with bondie that it is odd that they can only seem to find old testament examples of faith . I'm thinking it's a matter of time before they dig up the giving one tenth to the temple as an example of ancient Israelites dedication .............blah blah blah ......

  • gumby
    Is it no wonder that most JWs identify so strongly with the Jews rather than the Christians...Why doesn't the WTS realize why they can't find Christian examples of the issues they wish to beat the flock with?

    Amen Blondie Ghandi

    All one has to do is count the OT scriptures they use vs. the NT scriptures they use to see they still live under law. Christians live under the law of christ which is something that would bring the demise of their organisation were they also to come under christs law....because it is freedom which is a word they do not have in their vocabulary. Bondage has always been there motto.


  • Finally-Free
    In my opinion, it SEEMS to imply that growth in the Organization has been stymied by the lackadaisical attitude in the Congregations.

    I bet donut shop owners hate it when the Watchtower Society comes down on the publishers™ in this way. It means that their coffee and donut sales will go down - for a day or two.


  • heathen
    All one has to do is count the OT scriptures they use vs. the NT scriptures they use to see they still live under law

    yah whatever law the book publishing corporation can come up with . They sold the GC on the belief that they are merely foreign proselytes and cannot claim to be part of natural Israel or for that matter be included in the blood covenant of christ . What the apostle Paul wrote was , if I were to boast it would be in christ not in any mortal man .

  • gumby
    I bet donut shop owners hate it when the Watchtower Society comes down on the publishers™ in this way. It means that their coffee and donut sales will go down - for a day or two.

    The Mormons figured out a way around their boys taking bicycle breaks at Winchels...they demonized coffee. The GB needs to demonize dough and yardsales and the preaching work might increase.


  • wiegel

    "Is it no wonder that most JWs identify so strongly with the Jews rather than the Christians...Why doesn't the WTS realize why they can't find Christian examples of the issues they wish to beat the flock with?"

    Thanks, Blondie, excellent perspective on that whole new/old testament mingleness.

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