Does your personal vehicle reflect your personality?

by Gregor 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gregor

    There is a clever Volkswagen TV ad currently running in the U S that depicts various types of people driving cars that reflect their personality, like older males driving sleek sports cars to compensate for their "shortcomings" or a younger man driving an expensive European sedan as he pronounces with a bullhorn "because my father never hugged me!" etc. or another who says "because I make more money than you!"

    Have any of you ever gotten your self image tangled up with a vehicle?

  • looking_glass

    I hope not, considering I don't own a car and have not for over 10 years. So does that mean either 1) I don't exist; 2) I don't think much of myself or 3) I have such a lofty opinion of myself that no car out there could possibly reflect who I really am

  • TresHappy

    I want a Hybrid 4-Door Honda - besides being great for the cost of gas; it's also a great service car!

  • Brigid

    I drive a Passat with a ski rack on top (I never go skiing!!! lol!!). Love it/hate it. The VWs just aren't what they used to be. It's in the shop now every other month practically. Shopping for a new vehicle. I won't buy another VW, but I do love the way they look. I can't afford (yet) what I really want, my other half says no to the hybrids (consumer reports did not give them a good fiscal write up). Don't know what to buy.

    My mechanic loves me and my Passat, though.

  • south african beef
    south african beef

    I am restricted by my company as to what car i can have as i get a company car.

    I always try to get the best car possible as it has to last me 3 whole years until I get a shiny new one.

    My current car is a BMW 3 series (or 'expensive European sedan') as the Yanks call it!

    I like to drive a quality car, with upmarket interior and good dynamics - and yes maybe it does betray my personality.

    I was in the US recently and I bought a few car mags as I am a car 'nut'.

    I was amazed at how far behind America is compared to the European offerings from the likes of Mercedes or BMW etc.

  • Jourles

    Let's see, Honda Accord and Honda Sabre 1100 motorcycle. I drive/ride both 50/50 during the warm months.

    The car is conservative, styled well, has excellent reliability, and gets rather decent gas mileage for a V6. The Sabre mirrors many of the same traits as the Accord, except for the gas mileage which is in the low 40's. Oh, and it has two wheels instead of four.

    I think a blending of both vehicles reflects my personality quite well. Choosing both came down to a matter of reliability, resale value(a little less with the bike), looks, and cost of ownership. Sure, I love the Audi A6's, but their reliability is similar to VW - tends to be fair to poor. As much as I think an Audi A6 would fit "me" better, it also screams look at me in a way. Honda's are a little more low-key. I also view Toyotas the same way. I have this thing when I hear certain cars being mentioned, I immediately think "gas guzzler, breaks down frequently, depreciates faster than a used stick of chewing gum, etc." Just hearing the make and model of a car makes me cringe sometimes. And I think, "what on earth made you buy that car??"

    Can you tell I tend to overanalyze everything I buy?

  • Jourles

    And I wonder if VW got the idea for their commercials from South Park's "Smug" episode? The one where everyone who drives a hybrid goes around sniffing their own farts.

  • Mulan

    No, I am definitely not a car person. I never see a car and wish I had one like that.

    I did want a Camry for a long time, because of the dependability of that model. We got one almost two years ago. It's great and we both feel it's the best car we ever bought. In the past we bought what we could afford and what would contain our large family.

    Not sure what kind of car reflects my personality................maybe it's dependability.

  • Elsewhere

    I like my MINI Cooper because it is Fun do drive and nearly everyone who sees it Smiles really big.

    I'm thinking about getting personalized plates that say: SHMILE

  • merfi

    Most definitely!! I drive a jeep... if it's above 50 degrees, the top and doors are off. It's my therapy vehicle -- crummy head and heart days will find me out driving around, thru mud, snow and other crud to clear away the cobwebs. I love it because it is SO "me" -- it's open, sunny, happy and free.

    Methinks it probably reflects me TOO well as the elders 'counseled' me on owning it, calling it impractical. About the time that WT came out with a pic of a family driving a topless jeep by a group of JW out in FS. They suggested a "4-door sedan" as something more practical. Whatever. See how "practical" their 90's model Buicks are when they're stuck in the snow in the rurals during FS. haha

    ~merfi, of the Jeep Chick class

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