PETA Protest Backfires

by Stephanus 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    A human inside an injured-chicken costume, hobbling in protest on the sidewalk Wednesday in front of a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant, didn’t achieve the desired effect, according to many who dined there.

    Brad Steig called Wednesday’s protest in Grand Junction by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals good advertising for KFC.

    The protest consisted of four adults and one child holding signs in front of the restaurant, handing out fliers and DVDs and urging people to not eat at KFC until the restaurant buys chickens from humane vendors.

    Steig, a manager for Halliburton, said he heard about the PETA protest on the radio and decided right then to eat at KFC on Wednesday, the day of the protest.

    Not only that, but he bought seven of the biggest buckets of chicken and all the side dishes and used four trips to load them into his Halliburton pickup to treat his co-workers.

    I don't know if there's an "ultimate" Right-wingers' fantasy, but collecting 7 buckets of fried chicken in a Halliburton pick-up in front of a PETA protester must come pretty close.

  • KW13

    haha, nice one!

    (i replied to yours, you reply to my thread )

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    very funny. hmmm, I think I have a hankering for KFC.....

  • Stephanus
    hmmm, I think I have a hankering for KFC.....

    Funny how PETA does that to people!

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Why do they only pick on KFC anyway? (no pun intended there lol!) If KFC chickens are being mistreated, you can bet that chickens bought elsewhere are too - they're raised on the same farms and slaughtered in the same slaughterhouses.

    I agree, it was a stupid stunt, this type of thing doesn't seem to work any more. It's just something to give many people a good laugh.

    Surely if animals are ill-treated, it is down to governments to raise the minimum care standards. That's where the lobbying should happen - and not in fancy dress I hasten to add!

  • parakeet

    Some of you may have heard of the Hegins pigeon shoot, a location in Pennsylvania where, once a year, hundreds of pigeons are released and shot down simply for the sport (if you can call it that). The event had been held for decades but dwindled to almost nothing in the 1980s and 90s because of lack of interest. PETA and other groups like it caught wind of it and turned out in droves to protest it. Now the shoot is thriving again because of the added attraction of rabid animal right groups making a spectacle of themselves.

  • whyizit

    PETA should come to my house and hold a protest out by my hen house! Those witchy creatures will often times literally peck each other to death! They have many acres to roam freely and yet, they will torture each other ruthlessly. The rooster rapes the hens every time they walk by him. I've tried to reason with him, but he just doesn't care. They are also not above eating their own eggs! (EEK!)

    Those fuzzy little fur-bearing racoons invade once in awhile and pull the little fuzzy chicks heads right off through the wire fencing. Neighbors have decided to curb the destruction they cause by trapping and shooting them. Since there is not a market for the fur, thanks to PETA, their carcasses get thrown in the garbage. There wouldn't be an over-population of them, if they could be humanely hunted once in awhile, with their pelts actually making it worth the hunter's while. Guess it is better for them to reach near starvation, then be trapped and shot, only to be thrown in the trash. PETA people need to get a dose of reality. These are not cute little masked creatures, that give a rat's butt about others. They would tear your little kitty's head off and eat it right in front of you! They breed like rats and if there isn't a market for their pelts, they will start invading and destroying property. Killing animals and crops.

    But they are sooo cute in the cartoons and at the zoo!

  • Robdar

    Oh, well. No good deed goes unpunished.

    Hey Stephanus! I hope all is well "down under". Give your good wife a kiss for me and say hi to the kids.


  • kittyeatzjdubs

    God PETA is so annoying. They're right up there on my list with feminist and commies.

    Now excuse me while I go eat a steak.

    luv, jojo

  • Leolaia

    My boyfriend sat next to the founder of PETA on an airplane flight. She was very nice, friendly, they talked about kids, family stuff, then he asked what she does....she was a little shy about it, said she founded an animal rights organization... never said flat out it was PETA. Of course, my boyfriend thought it had to be PETA so when he came home he told me her name and I googled it, found her picture, asked him if that was her, and yeppers it was! LOL

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