looking for letter to Circuit Overseers about blood

by lost_sheep 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    Thanks, Marvin. I learned of this non-letter on JWD before I left the WTS and shared this info with an elder (before it was read to his BOE). Was he surprised when it all took place as I explained it. This same elder also asked to see the "letter" and was told it was not a "letter" despite the letterhead that was clearly visible to the BOE sitting there. That is why few of the rank and file know that taking a blood transfusion is now a DA offense not a DF, since nothing is in the WT publications. Only a JW surfing the net would know any different.


    A good site to remember if you are looking for anything on the blood issue:


  • lost_sheep

    Glad to see some interest on this topic... it really intrigued me. I've slowly been getting my arsenal of info together so i'll be prepared if DA-day ever comes. Thanks to everyone who was there & confirmed this... thanks especially to Marvin... i hadn't noticed that scan on AJWRB.


  • Duncan

    Hello Marvin, and others,

    That letter/press release was discussed here at the time. I was stuck by the very clever, particularly deceitful construction of the piece, and commented on it:



  • Balsam

    The total deception in letters from the society is mind boggling. Every one of them is full of double talk, and they have it down to fine art.

    The letter clearly just specifies that they are protecting their legal butts. The fact that they only had the CO read the letter but no copy of it was allowed in the KH files tells all of us how sly they are.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Is this likely to become a pattern with important ideological changes - by word of mouth when potential exist for embarrassment or legal attack?



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