i want to make jehoover happy

by mathead 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mathead

    Should I join the dubs again and become a 60 hours per month publisher and then work my way up to a 90 hour per month pioneer and then a ministerial servent and then a watchtower study conductor and then a literature servant and then an elder and then a travelling overserr and then a district oveerseer and then a member of the governing body?

    Will this make jehoover happy? or confused?

  • PopeOfEruke

    dunno - but you could try buying a cow, 7 sheep, 24 turtle-doves and a couple of partridges and pear-trees, then ritually slaughter them all one after the other, then burn their dead bodies and let the BBQ smoke go up to heaven. I believe Jehoover used to get a kick out of this at one time.

    He must really like BBQ's.


    PS! Ixnay on the Vegetables-ay!!! Jehoovah don't like the vegetables!! (Salads neither!!!)

  • luna2

    Thats a lot of work, mathead. I don't think Jerhoba is paying attention anyhow. You'd prolly make a few WTS area sales managers happy, though. I hear they are having more and more trouble finding elder material any more.

    Love the Pope's BBQ idea...although I'm not sure how slaughtering a truck load of animals in your back yard would work out. You'd probably get arrested.

    OT: Just had to express my admiration for the Pope's awesomely gigantic Jiffy Pop hat again.

  • caligirl

    Besides, I don't think you have to work that hard any more. Isn't it 50 hours for aux. and 70 for regular pioneering now? Or have I just been gone too long and they went and upped it again?

    You left the witless way of life - you are making god happy.

  • aniron

    Try calling Him Jehovah.

  • Wolfgirl

    Why? That's not his name. :)

  • ballistic


  • Hellrider

    I read this in a thread on another ex-JW-forum, I laughed till I dropped:

    One member started thread and wrote: "I`m thinking about going back....want to make Jehovah happy, time is short and all (etc, whatever).

    Next members response: "You should get a hobby or something. Meetings are fucking boring."

    Ha ha ha

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I say go back in a put out all you got. Then after all of your promotions and "special privlidges" moon everybody on the platform at an assembly and then leave.

  • james_woods

    The wise man once told me that "no woman can ever be truly happy"...

    He also said that no woman will ever forgive the man who reveals that secret to her...

    The real secret of life (IMHO) is to drive your sports car as fast as it will go, fool around as much as you want, drink more than your share of the beer, but still look kind of miserable and look to everyone else like you wish you could just figure out how to be a little better...

    Maybe we should just know when we ourselves are happy?

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