Your Reply Would Help Me A Lot

by AnonymousUser 25 Replies latest social relationships

  • AnonymousUser


    My name is Sam. I would firstly like to say that I am not a Jehovah Witness, and I hope that being on this forum without being in the religion will not offend anyone.

    I am only 16 years of age, however I am interested in the religion of Jevohav Witness due to my girl friend. Her family are strict to the religion. She is only 14 years of age. I have been told that it is a sin to be casual dating under the age of 16. Since her mother found out about me she has not wanted anything to do with me. She would not let her daughter see or even talk to me. She said the only thing her daughter could do was end what was going on between her. I understand that this is what she believes, but I am willing to just be friends with her daughter until she reaches the age of 16, but I am afraid that she will not accept this. However her mum accepts for her 14 year old daughter to be friends with males aged 17 and 18. She accepts them purely because they go to a Grammar school and are thought to be smart. However what she did not know is that they have had underage and have casual sex (not with her daughter), they drink alcohol regually, they smoke and take drugs. I do not drink, smoke or take drugs as I am totally against it.

    Is there any thing that you think I can do or even say to her for her to even accept me as a friend of her daughter? Also, I genuinely do mean that I would wait until shes 16 until I date her.

    Any help would be grateful and once again, i am sorry if I have said anything to offend any one in this topic. Thank you.


  • KW13

    were all mostly ex-jehovahs witnesses here, and were not offended mate.

    welcome to the board, if ya want my MSN address its karlwhitfield13 (at) hotmail DOT COM

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    Hi Sam. You're very welcome here, whatever your religion or lack thereof. Stick around for some more welcoming and helpful replies. Sorry I haven't got any good advice for you.


  • greendawn

    I have no doubt that you are sincere in your wishes with that girl but have in mind that JWs don't like their children getting involved with any non JWs or worldly people as they call them.

    In addition they are a cultic organisation with some strange ideas but nowadays most JW children leave the org after they become adults.

  • Nosferatu

    Hey, I feel your pain, but I was on the other side of the fence. I was a JW who wasn't allowed to date "worldly" girls (girls who weren't in the JW religion). Also, I wasn't allowed to date until I was 20 years old (according to the "Your Youth" book).

    You can find the story here:

    Your best bet is to drop the whole situation. You're going to encounter a lot of problems and create a lot of problems for this girl by pursuing her. Find a girl who doesn't have assholes for parents.

  • AnonymousUser

    Thank you for the replies so far.

    Its just it can get frustrating sometimes.

    I would do something for her daughter, which she appreciates, but she only appreciates it because her daughter has to tell her it was one of her female friends. If she said that I did it for her then her mother would say how she shouldnt have anything to do with me. How can she not want anything to do with me and not accept me, yet accept some one else purely due to how they dress and their school?

    Thank you.


  • ballistic

    Anon-User, I can understand any mother being worried about her 14 year old daughter, not just a Jehovah's Witness mother. If anything should "develop" in your relationship, that would not only be cause for concern but illegal in most countries. So what you are fighting for is a platonic relationship, have I got that right?

  • Finally-Free
    I do not drink, smoke or take drugs as I am totally against it.

    Glad to hear it! I used to do all three but gave them up. But the Jehovah's Witness cult did far more to ruin my life than those other vices.

    My advice is to stay away from Jehovah's Witnesses. Forget the girl, no matter how much you care for her. It's easier to love again than it is to rebuild a ruined life.


  • AnonymousUser

    I appreciate all replies so far so thank you.

    However to one reply. What I am looking for now is not illegal. Her mum once said to her that if I really felt what I said I felt then I would wait until shes 16 to date her. I would do this, however I feel if I said to her mum can I be just a friend to her until shes 16, she would not accept it.

    I am just looking for some way of her mum understanding that I will wait until shes 16, just being her friend, if that helps?


  • Nosferatu

    Yeah, that stuff is mind-blowing when you're not in the religion yourself.

    I'm gonna tell you another story of mine, about a girl who I wanted to date. She was a cute little thing, nice boobs, and lotsa fun to be around. So, I figured I'd finally make the move and ask her out. She happily accepted. So, I call her to find out what time is good to pick her up. Her mother answers and decides that her daughter isn't going to date me! Okay, that sucks.

    Anyway, I asked her what happened and she said "Oh nothing". So, I figured I'd try setting up another date. I get the same shit when I call her place.

    On my third try, I got her dad on the phone. The rotten bugger invited me over to their house so he could kick my ass! I asked her the next day what that was all about, and she said "Oh, that was nothing".

    Summer holidays came. I was involved in a car wreck. I call her a couple of days later to tell her about it. Her goddam mother answers and I tell her what happened. Her mom says, "Well.... I'll tell her". So, I went on that and waited a couple of days later for her to call me back (she had my number). I waited and nothing.

    This girl wasn't worth the threats, the frustration, and the lack of knowledge on how to use a telephone. So I quit pursuing her. I found a girl who was nicer and much sexier than that other chick, and her parents really liked me! That's when I lost my virginity :)

    That girl and her asshole parents are all religious zealots, and so is her whiny wimpy husband. I wish her well and hope she's happy.

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