Had a major blow out

by freemindfade 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • freemindfade
    My mom was emailing a group thread of rhetoric about ISIS and Armageddon, and I finally got sick of it and said some pretty intense harsh things about ideals, and wishing for Armageddon. Then it went back and forth like some debate, all the while I am holding back unloading serious TTATT on my family. I put a whole bunch of scriptures where the wonderful Yahweh committed infanticide. it went on and on. Any way I got so pissed, before I said to much, I started texting my brother, who was mad at her too and agreed with my stance. (he is a weak witness now, was an elder before, but die hard for the truth still). So I unloaded on him, about the bible being fairy tales, and and the WTBS being a MLM, publishing cult/company making money in the realestate biz. Oh he was not pleased about that we debated until he went to sleep. But I am so mad I just feel like telling them all I want nothing to do with their damn cult and to piss off. So much for fade right? Someone talk me off the DA ledge.
  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once
    I sometimes wonder if our frustration with our "in" family isn't a reaction to our own embarrassment for being so gullible as well before we awoke. I feel you. It is a structured mindset and once you crack the casing of it there is no way to contain it any more. Just remember you are the one who has abandoned the Jehovah gravy train of self righteousness. Your thinking and life does not hinge on whether they still believe the fairy tales. You are mentally free. So if you feel like telling them all to piss off no one here will condemn you for it. But just don't react as emotionally about their refusal to accept TATT as they are at your unwillingness to accept the lie once again. Breathe.....
  • FayeDunaway
    I am so sorry. What a bad night. if you want to fade, you've got to back away from this arguing with your mom, just say you were having a bad night. Explosive bursts of saying what you really feel are not worth losing your family forever. ......I hate that damn religion :( nobody should have to lose their families over saying what they believe.
  • cappytan

    Oooff. Sorry man.

    I bet the whole bible being fairy tales thing is what sent him into cult mode. Breaking faith in the organization has to come before breaking faith in the Bible.

    My wife still believes the Bible. Drip irrigation from the scriptures about how the organization is wrong is what's working right now. I can enlighten her to Dawkins after she's free of the cult.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    M y best Witness friend had an unprecedented "blow out" with me because I hit him between the eyes with 28 scriptures which tell Christians to witness for Christ - not for Jehovah!

    He lost it, and "accused" me of sounding like Christendom's churches - always going on about "Jesus this, & Jesus that". Isn't that exactly how Witnesses treat the name "Jehovah"?

    The fact is, I'd touched a "nerve" with a very sharp instrument, and it was too painful!

    I didn't get angry or upset - I've got TTATT. Paul was spot on -

    "....don’t get involved in foolish, ignorant arguments that only start fights. A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people. Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. [TTATT] Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth. Then they will come to their senses..." (2 Timothy 2:24-26 - NLT)

  • cofty

    Sometimes its just too much to bear any longer.

    Maybe it wasn't wise but at least it was authentic.

  • brandnew
    Dude, you spoke your mind, sometimes it takes a little heat to get it out. I dont recommend getting mad, it makes us look crazy ,insane.....but its years of that cult being shoved down our throats that makes us blow gaskets like that. THE MAIN THING IS NOT TO PANIC. ! !
  • freemindfade
    Yea the thing was like any other time u was just letting her say her crazy end of days stuff. I even called my brother earlier to vent and he said had yelled at her and told her to stop that no one was appreciating it and it was causing damage. her response to the infanticide email I sent Would give you all children Chills. This is a heartless organization. She said fist it never came up in God's heart to make kids pass through the fire. So I sent like a dozen scriptures of God murdering children. Her response back started well if you are going to use all those don't leave out the flood too. Sick.
  • zeb

    Even Jesus did his block when he threw the traders out of the temple! Dont blame your self.

    Arguing with uber dubs is a waste of your oxygen. Quoting this slaughter over that slaughter; avails nothing as their minds (!) like concrete are fully set. Going 'tit for tat' in loud stressful arguments does you no good and they will (in their own minds) all ways be right.

    Others on this forum have said that uber jw only converse to reveal link words where they can then 'hook-up' to further wt dogma.

    The best 'witness' you can have is to be seen living a steady, productive (in all respects) life with reasonable friends and noticeably at peace.

    "Behave well. Think for the best. Speak kindly"-- ancient sage.

  • freemindfade

    Some of highlights from the infanticide response...

    You didn't mention all the children who died in the flood? And why stop with the "Old Testament"? What about those in Jerusalem... who ate their children? Why didn't God save the children?

    In all the examples you gave, what kind of people did this happen to? Those in opposition to Jehovah. They had done things so detestable that Jehovah was going to bring them to an account. Them and their offspring.

    Is there something you have seen in the scriptures to indicate that Jehovah has at anytime bypassed inherited death and granted anyone, children included, a RIGHT to life?

    People who feel sorry because they are CHILDREN, have a distorted view that because they are children they have some RIGHT to life, that a child's life should somehow be more worthy in Jehovah's eyes than that of an adult?

    Jehovah is gracious, merciful, slow to anger... But he does not let off from punishment, swayed by sentiment. To him, the giver of life, a life is a life, be it one day old or 100 years old, it makes no difference. Not a one of us can claim a RIGHT to live... it is a gift.

    If parents were warned of a tidal wave, and they didn't get their children to higher ground and they died, who then, would YOU blame for their death?

    Why didn't Jehovah make a provision on the Ark for an orphanage to save all the children, along with the animals? There is no provision to my knowledge for orphanages in the new world for all the children who's wicked parents didn't do what they should have to save them.

    I love people and their children just as Jehovah does. That is why I will spend my few little dollars, my precious little time, my poor health, and advancing age to warn and help educate everyone I can, while Jehovah is patient with them because he does not WANT anyone to die.

    Still turns my stomach to read this, responded and added a link to the daily news article about the caleb and sofia video

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