They are so scared of us

by KW13 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • KW13

    I remember the other day, someone i'd been friends with for ages asked me if i was an apostate and saw me as an evil influence. He spoke of what goes on at these sites (as my mum does and other dubs) not realising its just like anywhere, good folks and not good folks.

    You ever had a dub scared of ya? lol

  • Elsewhere


  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Its no wonder really, we've all been programmed to believe that apostates are bible thumping, foaming at the moth nut jobs. The Truth is far from reality

  • garybuss

    I had a fully clothed elder actually RUN away from me in the center court of the local shopping mall. I saw him leaving his morning coffee and roll shop with three Witness nuns (pioneers), so I walked up to him and shook his hand and greeted him. The sisters kept walking. The first thing he asked me was if I went to meetings. I told him no and I'd be happy to tell him why. He ran away. Very rude behavior.

  • KW13

    haha, nice story. can't believe it though, can you imagine the christians of 'old' doing it.

  • under_believer

    gary, the funniest part of your story is that you included the fact that he was "fully clothed." LOL, WTF! That had me rolling on the floor.

  • KW13

    lol, just seen that. do they normally run around naked?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    “NOBODY expects an Apostate inquisition!

    Our methods are fear, surprise, a ruthless inconsistency, and a legalistic use of the canons.”

  • IP_SEC

    I was in the grocery store soon after I da'd. Walking down the isle I see some weak JWs I've known all my life. I smile and wave. They turn around and hall ass the other direction. (they had so much ass they had to make two trips ) idgits.

  • garybuss

    A good story writer always entertains his/her audience as well as informs them :-)

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