"Unevenly Yolked"

by pooka 24 Replies latest social relationships

  • looking_glass

    Hee, hee ... we all followed the lead in the misspelling ... does that mean that we are easily lead, like sheep to the slaughter or lemmings over the edge of a cliff.

  • jgnat

    I calmly tell my JW husband, "I am NOT an unbeliever." And dare him to correct me.

  • parakeet

    Hi, Pooka. I'm one of those rarities -- a JW (then) who dated and then married an "unbeliever." And yes, I caught A LOT of flak for it. The worst was when I was asked to stand up in front of the congregation; I did so, unsuspectingly. Then the PO started reading scriptures about being unevenly yoked with unbelievers and that "bad" associations spoil useful habits. I was so humiliated that spots swam in front of my eyes and I nearly fainted. My parents also put a lot of pressure on me at home. But I married him anyway. I left the "truth" not long after that. BTW, we've been happily married more than 30 years! The reason JWs don't want their followers marrying outsiders is that the "unbelieving" mate tends not to actively support the JW mate in going to meetings, FS, and all the other myriad obligations the JW org demands of his followers. And if there are children, the unbeliever may object to the child's being raised a JW. The Society is well aware that an unbelieving mate would also provide a link to the world outside the JWs, and they consider this a danger. One aspect of cults is that they want to keep their followers from having any meaningful contact with the outside world. If your BF/GF does not show any signs of wanting to leave the JW org and you are not willing to give him/her up, then you must be prepared for a long and difficult road. Even though things turned out well for me, my marriage had a very "bumpy" beginning, and it could very easily have turned out much differently. Just be very aware that you may get badly burned from this experience. Best of luck to you.

  • blondie

    How long can they be marked?

    *** w86 11/15 p. 27 Are You Looking for a Partner in Life? ***

    ‘But how can you say that?’ someone may ask. ‘I know a brother who did not marry a fellow worshiper, and now they are both serving Jehovah.’ True, in a few cases matters have worked out that way, and we are glad that both mates are now "walking in the truth." (3 John 4) Nevertheless, the brother who married an unbaptized person was disobedient. Will that independent spirit surface once again? Might he be tempted to think he knows better than God and thus disregard Bible counsel and trust in his own wisdom in yet another situation?
  • pooka

    Ok I just realized that I spelled yoked wrong. It was very late at night when I typed it.

  • jgnat

    pooka, it is very easy to put a JW in his place with the "unequally yoked" scripture. Start with my statement above. Regardless how he answers, you can follow up with these.

    "I AM NOT an unbeliever."

    "DO YOU THINK I am an unbeliever?"

    "Do you believe there are many gods or just one? Jehovah God?"

    "Then WHO DO YOU THINK I worship?"

    "You don't think I worship SATAN, do you?"

    If he's honest about his beliefs (and few JW's are), he'll have to admit that he believes you are following Satan. Be properly insulted if he admits this. If he lies, ask him exactly how the two of you, both believers, could be considered "unequally yoked"?

  • Poodles

    I hope i'm not going off the topic here, but my boyfriend is a JW and i am a Catholic even tho i do not go to my own church! We have been in this relationship for the past seven years and they don't come more unevenly yolked then us,heeheehee!!

    We don't argue about each other's faith because we never intend to marry or even live together! I am in love with him but he is not in love with anyone but himself!! We both have faults but the biggest one i have a problem dealing with is that he is a hyprocrite!

    He only wants to obey the rules of his church that he likes!! I myself don't go to my own church because i am not worthy! I am currently working on putting an end to the relationship, wish me luck, i'm going to need all i can get!!


  • plmkrzy
    Right now we are having the "unevenly yolk" conseveration. Can anyone tell me what percentage of JW's are married to non JW?

    LOL! I got that yolk thing back in 1996.

  • serendipity

    ((( Paula ))) It's hard - but best just to end it since you know you have no future together. I wish you the best.

  • plmkrzy

    poodles...no offense but, you need to do some serious soul searching. In love with this guy 7 years and not one kind thing to say about him? I was in an absusive relationship for several years and I finally had to ask myself "WTF is wrong with ME?"

    I hope you find your answers and the support you will need.


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