What do you consider yourself?

by poodlehead 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • poodlehead

    I have wondered how each of you classifies yourself. As regards to religion. This is for my own person interest. But I am curious. And if JW was the first religion you belonged to. Were you raised in the truth.

    1. I am a christian and belong to another faith.

    2. I am a christian but don't belong to any particular religion

    3. I am an Athiest, I don't believe in any God.

    4. I am Agnostic, I don't know if there is a God or not.

    5. I belong to/ or believe in another religion, but not christian.

    6. I believe in a higher power, but don't know what exactly it is.

    Please feel free to add another sub-catagorie if you think of one. I apreciate your imput.


  • serendipity

    7. I'm still serving time.

  • Dune

    8. I believe in a god or higher power that doesnt really care about us. (Agnostic? diest? Nihilist?).

  • Fleur

    They had me as a zygote. And I will never belong to another organized religion again. I have stopped believing in the duality between the Divine and mankind. I guess you could say to put it in plain terms, I kind of believe in the Force. Everything is connected, there is no separation.

    I feel most peaceful this way. I don't have to claim I know it all, because no matter if people think they do, no one does. We are all students in this life. What we become in the next...I guess I'll find out when I get there.

    Welcome to the forum, Poodlehead!


  • TresHappy

    As the song says "Consider yourself part of the furniture"....

    Really #2...

  • Gretchen956

    5. I am a tree hugging pagan.

    Blessed be.


  • free2beme

    Between 5 and 6

  • theinfamousone

    how about a whole new one.... well call it number:

    69)i believe there may have once been a god, but he either gave up completely on his failed project, ie. Earth, and has moved onto another... he cares not for us.... and religion is our way of coping with the fact that one day we will be nothing...

    the infamous one

  • misspeaches

    2. I am a christian but don't belong to any particular religion

  • dido

    I would say no. 6, as i believe in a creator, but don`t like to call him god, as that has religous conotations. I I can`t accept evolution as we are too complex, also, us women do have one more rib than men, which does link to the bibles explanation.

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