
by Good Girl or Bad Girl? 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    I'm sure this kind of thing has been discussed before, but who here thinks the elders remind them of the pharisees with their guidelines strict rules? Like the length of a slit in your skirt, or no sideburns on men or no beards, or men can't dye their hair, or no colored dress shirts or suits on the "brothers". They would say these were guidelines but then take your "privileges" away if you didn't comply.

    I know there are a lot more I can't think of right now but that's why I come to you.

    What rules did the pharisees elders in your hall enforce?

    Oh and on a side note, why is it when the elders prey on people (like my little brother; his hair was never styled "correctly" and it was quite disheartening to him to get counseled at every meeting) that people say "when imperfect people run God's organization, this kind of stuff will happen." They act like you have a major attitude problem if you don't agree with this power trip. "In due time Jehovah will make sure everything is handled." That's bunk.

    Good Girl/Bad Girl

  • jambon1
    "In due time Jehovah will make sure everything is handled."

    Like poverty in Africa, child abuse, starvation, disease, child rape, people dying of cancer at 18 years old etc etc..................

    I friggin hate this expression. Blind faith in a god that couldnt give a rubber duck about humanity.

    A lot of pish.

    Sorry, Ive got strong feelings tonight.


  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Like poverty in Africa, child abuse, starvation, disease, child rape, people dying of cancer at 18 years old ;etc etc..................

    I friggin hate this expression. Blind faith in a god that couldnt give a rubber duck about humanity.

    A lot of pish.

    Sorry, Ive got strong feelings tonight.

    No, I understand what you mean. I was watching a special on Nightline last night about the 1,000's of abandoned children in Romania who are locked up in cribs in an institution...many of them are teenagers who look to be about 3 years old and can't walk at all. The babies don't even cry because they eventually realize nobody will come for them when they cry. It's heartbreaking. I spent the first 24 years of my life preaching door to door (when I was old enough actually) instead of volunteering my time and actually helping to make a difference now. It's maddening.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    So nobody's got anything to add to this? Slow day...?

    Well, I'll just keep adding to my own thread then...I just had a really tough conversation with my mother. She has been completely avoiding me so I decided to call her up and see how she was doing, like the loving daughter that I am. I told her I miss her and hope we can get together soon (part of my plan in trying to recondition her to realize that a healthy relationship with her daughter can occur separate of the religion). She hesitated for a really long time so I asked her if she wanted to get together with me, then she hesitated again. Finally she told me that I "can't have it both ways" and if I want a relationship with her I have to make some serious changes in my life. So...I didn't really expect that to come so quickly...OUCH it hurts really badly!!!

  • mrsjones5
    Finally she told me that I "can't have it both ways" and if I want a relationship with her I have to make some serious changes in my life.

    Sounds like your mom wants to control you.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    Blind faith in a god that couldnt give a rubber duck

    I'd like to know what you've done to help

    Is blaming God a common thing for the ex-taken-for-a-ride ?

  • freegirl20

    Just the fact that they want to control EVERY aspect of your life, from how you wear your hair, your clothes, how you keep your house, and not to mention your sex life! They make the Pharisees look like sheep!

  • Highlander

    They make the Pharisees look like sheep!

    Good point, I'm sure the pharisees of old would be afraid of their modern day counterparts.

  • freegirl20

    lol, Highlander!

  • EAGLE-1

    Elders were power hungry ass..... Got to where I would just look at them with a blank stare and look away.Like a fly landing on dog crap pay them no mind or concern.

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