
by I-follow-the-narrow-path 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freegirl20

    Sweetheart, don't make the same mistake that I made. I started studying when I was 17, and I was very naive. The 5 years that I was a JW were the loneliest years of my life. What they do is they prey on your fears, fear of displeasing God. Then before long, you won't be talking to your friends or your family that aren't witnesses. The people in the congregation will be extremely nice to you initially, but once you're baptized they'll drop you like a hot potato! And you won't be able to celebrate holidays with the rest of your family, so what you do is you spend a nice, quiet evening at home by yourself, because I guarantee that you won't see another Witness on those days either! And they'll have to so scared to do anything that might bring a reproach because if you do, they'll disfellowship you. And not only will you be banished from the congregation, but everybody will shun you! Does this sound like the pleasant life that they make it out to be? I'm not making anything up because this was my experience. Please do research and study their history of false prophesy, and other ex-JW testimonies.

    Also, Jesus said at John 14:6, " I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the father except through me." that means that our salvation comes through Jesus Christ, and Him alone. We do not have to work ourselves to death to be approved by Jehovah.

  • Lainiejane

    to actually ANSWER the question its because jehovahs witnesses celebrate the memorial of christs death as "commanded in the scripture" jesus said " do this in rememberance of me" that is why they celebrate the memorial, that is why they feel its ok to celebrate the memorial.and "god" wouldnt mind because "jesus is god's son", whom he "put on this earth to redeem mankind" by sacrificing his life and dying, so remembering his death wouldnt be offensive to "god"

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