The Story of Adam & Eve

by LaCatolica 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Now Gumby,

  • greendawn

    La catolica doesn't believe in Adam and Eve? I believe that God created mankind, at first there were no humans and He had to make a start somewhere and the first pair he created were called Adam and Eve. He just chose to create one pair rather than several.

  • funkyderek


    I believe that God created mankind, at first there were no humans and He had to make a start somewhere and the first pair he created were called Adam and Eve. He just chose to create one pair rather than several.

    You must know that there is no evidence to support that belief, and veritable mountains of evidence from numerous disciplines contradicting it. Why then, do you continue to believe it?

  • wanderlustguy

    The interesting thing I have learned in my research over the past year is that the story has counterparts in religion that is older than Christianity. So do I think there was a definitive "first" pair of humans? No.

    It is a difficult thing, defining where we all came from, this story is as good as any, but I think the true value of the tale of Adam and Eve is in the lesson learned...we are all in it together, what one of us does affects all of us in one way or another, but we can't just lay blame on another person or even an organization for where we are's all up to us.


  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    I found the following article rather interesting:


  • greendawn

    Funky Derek your question revolves around the big evolution/creation debate, as I mentioned before in my posts I find it easier to believe that behind the astonishing complexity of life there is an intelligent agent rather than the force of chance that produced life out of incredibly low odds through a series of lucky coincidences.

  • funkyderek


    I find it easier to believe that behind the astonishing complexity of life there is an intelligent agent

    I guess it is. It requires much less effort to believe what you've always believed. I just don't know how you can, given that the evidence makes such belief untenable.

    rather than the force of chance that produced life out of incredibly low odds through a series of lucky coincidences.

    I don't know of anyone who believes that. Maybe your deep misconception of evolutionary theory is another factor in your willingness to believe mythology over science.

  • Narkissos

    I would say that the vast majority of French Catholics nowadays would agree with LaCatólica. Not to mention the Catholic Bible scholars whose majority work in a critical approach of the Bible.

    On the other hand, the other day I came across an old history schoolbook of mine (I was in a Catholic school in the 60's), and noticed that the lesson about prehistory was introduced by the following sentence: "When our first ancestors were driven out of the paradise, they had to face very difficult conditions." (No kidding.)

    I am convinced that the original writers of Genesis were perfectly aware they were transmitting / modifying / inventing a tale (what later rabbinical speech would call a midrash). Obviously it was taken literally by less educated contemporaries and later generations. However, it is an anachronism to retroject the modern distinction of history vs. legend onto Antiquity (and this has to include any historical Jesus). They were not clearly separated in ancient minds as they are in ours.

    From a theological standpoint, the fundamentalistic argument: "if Jesus believed it it must be historically true" ignores the implications of incarnation. As most orthodox (especially Catholic) theologians would put it, the earthly Jesus would not have absolute knowledge of everything if the Logos really became flesh, i.e. fully human with all the cultural consequences (a Galilean Jew with the specific language and set of beliefs available to the community where he was born). The only special knowledge such theologians would ascribe him (with a lot of nuances) is that of his particular relationship to God.

  • IP_SEC
    Are we inferring here that the story of Adam and Eve was actually created by the talking snake and handed down from generation to generation by a successive line of snakes ?


    very funny, very true

  • EAGLE-1

    I never give a snake a chance to talk.I just crush them.I have never seen lips on them either.I will check next time.May even sit down and offer a drink to it.Say hi.Hows the family....................

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