Why didn't Jesus Give Instructions for a Bible?

by gumby 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LittleToe

    Since he was to "return" in every believers' experience, why would he write on parchment when he was to write "living epistles" (2Cor.3:3) for every generation?


  • Severus
    maybe not so much back then when homes might be invaded by rats instead of the unavoidable crap that filters into our lives now-a-days.

    Yes myelaine everyone is welcome here, including your "unavoidable" comments...or is that too permissive?

  • peacefulpete

    plmkrzy, NOTE! 1 Cor 4:6 Don't go beyod things written

    The phrase was likely a marginal scribal note that accidentally got awkwardly incorporporated into the text.

    Jesus of the Gospels is not heard commanding a written document because the first couple generations of Christians felt no need for a Canon and by the time the Church began to establish a collection of approved Jesus stories and epistles the text was largely set by tradition.

  • gumby

    Myelaine....no offence, but I didn't understand anything you said in your last post.

    LT, my judo choppin little bruddah,


    Since he was to "return" in every believers' experience, why would he write on parchment when he was to write "living epistles" (2Cor.3:3) for every generation?

    Had someone not written on parchment......how would you even know Jesus name, who he was, what he did, or how he should fit into peoples lives? I have no problem with a written record.....my problem is a written record didn't seem to be on his agenda nor his fathers.

    It seems to me that if the church fathers had any brains in their heads.....they coulda at least fabricated a scripture or two as coming from Jesus own mouth saying " write down all that you see me do and say as these writing will serve as a lamp unto all the world". If Jesus could give a command to preach and teach and baptise.......he coulda also gave a command to store all his earthly lifes doings.


  • Narkissos

    It also exemplifies the complex relationship of Christianity (and post-Christian culture) with Scripture.

    In a sense, Christianity is a "religion of the Book" -- by its selective use of the Hebrew scriptures as Old Testament, i.e. a source for proof-texts, and the canonisation of its own foundational ("apostolic") writings into the NT.

    But it also reflects a mistrust of writing -- its central figure conspicuously doesn't write (like Socrates), and scripture is devaluated as mere "letter" causing death in opposition to the "Spirit" of life by its foremost writer (Paul), or in opposition to the logos (John).

    Derrida's Pharmacy of Plato is an excellent read.

  • LittleToe

    Jim (Amazing1914) wrote some good stuff on tradition vs scripure, recently. I think it informs this discussion on whether or not a "holy book" is essential to a cause.

  • gumby

    If Jesus would have touched every believer as he did Paul.....with a visual, and audible presence, there woulkd be no need for a book as you say LT. This message would be 'ritten on hearts and not stone' The problem he.....he doesn't seem to do that most believers I've talked to (myself at onetime included)

    In other words, if no bible was ever written, how many believers in Jesus would exist today? Unless he confirmed his reality in the minds and hearts of all rightous ones, how would anyone even know he ever existed?

    I realise there are some who believe they have in fact been touched by him and had confirmation that they are his, but a great many have not who have tried. Are we to assume if a believer isn't "touched" by him in some way........that these are not true believers?


  • myelaine

    dear Gumby,

    "I realise there are some who believe they have in fact been touched by him and had confirmation that they are his"

    There is that word BELIEVE again....

    John 15:7,10-11..If you abide in Me and My words abide in you.....If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love. These things I have SPOKEN to you, that My joy may REMAIN in you, and that your joy may be full.

    the Bible says that God will live with/in (abode) you if you believe...would you consider that being "touched"?

    love michelle

  • gumby
    dear Gumby

    First off......you always make me flaccid when you call me "dear"....ya little tease. Shelby always did that to me too and I had ta always take a cold shower after reading one of her posts to me

    Hey....just kiddin

    Myelaine....I believed for about 7 years after exiting the dubs. Never did Jesus confirm his realness to me or never did he touch me. I prayed for answers till me nutsack hurt.....and nadda, zip, zero from him. I figured he just didn't like floorcovering installers fer some reason.


  • myelaine


    So you believed...up to a point....do you think that is the "abiding" expressed by an excited virgin. I don't. it's fickle.

    love michelle

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