Do you believe that Demons really Exist.

by MARTINLEYSHON 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • daystar



    Did you just finish reading "The End of Faith"?

    Nope! Came up with that theory all on my own! I guess I should see what that book is about.

  • seattleniceguy

    No way. The stories you hear are always absurdly sensationalized accounts of "this sister my friend's friend knows." And the people I've met who claim to have had direct experiences were either stoned at the time or clearly psychologically unstable, or both.


  • Narkissos

    Why are the demons, who seem to be everywhere in the Synoptic Gospels and Acts, so conspicuously absent from the OT?

  • White Waves
    White Waves

    I believe in them but that they focus their time on the weak minded, easily influenced, as well as those who crave evidence of their existence in their lives.

  • M.J.
  • DannyHaszard

    The demons are best at deception,"angels of light/ministers of righteousness" wolves in sheep's clothing.When the devil comes knocking on your door he won't have the dark goth look,they will be smartly dressed nerdy Jehovah's Witnesses wielding the Bible and flapping watchtowers.

  • lovelylil

    I found this interesting information online today about Satan and how this teaching developed thru time. It also shows how Satan was viewed in the OT. I am not sure If I believe everything written here but I wanted to pass along the Website for others to view themsleves, Lilly

  • DannyHaszard

    Jesus and his disciples of the gospel narratives encountered the zombied out demon possessed with such frequency it was like a script from the 'dawn of the dead". Yet they are not so obvious today.The answer given to me by the Jehovah's Witnesses was that; "since 1914 the demons are bent on deception and don't want to tip their hand". Ya right now instead of the 'dawn of the dead' it's the DAWN of the DUBS. Satan and his demon hordes are part and parcel of the Christian (and Judeo Islamic) Deity structure.You cannot have one without the other. As the lyric goes,"i swear there ain't no heaven but i pray there ain't no hell". Don't forget all destructive cults instill boogieman phobias. BTW i once had full blown audio/visual hallucinations from an alcohol detox and that was just what it was chemically induced hyperactive brain cells. What a trip (pink elephants) What are demons made of?Their profile:they are pure demented psychopaths who crave anything carnal,remember they asked to be sent into the herd of swine. I am denouncing the God of the Watchtower (satan) and i have never been bugged by the demons.Why?Saint James said,"oppose the devil and he will flee from you". You demon bullys want to pick a fight with me?Come and get it! Danny Haszard has NO FEAR

  • MissBehave

    Midget-Sasquatch, you are TOTALLY invited!

  • jwfacts

    Demons (fallen angels) are quite a JW concept. Others believe in them but do not make such a big deal over it. Most people that believe in this type of activity seem to attribute them to Ghosts, the souls of dead people. Often ghosts are a positive connotation, as people believe that their dead loved ones are looking after them.

    I don't know what I believe.

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