The Point of this Site?

by Samael 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • jambon1

    I never was physically abused in the org but the mental torture of being an orphan in the truth & anticipating the day in which all you love & care for will meet a violet & destructive end traumatised me personally. I soon realised that I was`nt good enought to survive armageddon.

    Now I no longer believe a word of this insane bullshyte.

    I realise this is not the case everywhere but in most cases the mental prison that you are in, is indeed hard to bear.


  • ObservingTexan
    I really took offense to your post. I tried not to but I did. But you want everyone to think you are extremely intellegent by using such big words. Hey you may talk that way. But if you go around using words like Neophyte, petulant, and iconoclastic you better have an Intellegent question at the end of all that.

    You took the exact words right out of my mouth. The Watchtower has done more to destroy the bonds of family relationships than any other single force in the world today all IN THE NAME OF GOD. It's a man lead organization. Petulant? PETULANT! You bet there are those who are petulant. Educate yourself. This site exists to expose the "truth" about the "truth bearer's" who are nothing more than wolves in sheep's clothing.

    In a nut shell, this site exists to warn others with a simple message... DON'T DRINK THE KOOL-AID!

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Haven't read much of the other posts in response to your question, but here is my 2 cents.
    The Jehovha's Witnesses arn't simply a religion, they are a "way of life". Anybody who is part of their membership is inclined to think and act as they say. The bible is twised in order to maintain control over the membership. Individuals are basically scared into thinking anything other than "the Watchtower is ordained by God".
    Leaving the Watchtower can take months even years. There is emotional pain as well as much turmoil in the way of family relationships. Peoples families can be held at ransom because individuals can be labeled "bad associates unacceptable for fellowship"
    With that said I can say that this website is somewhat of a hodge podge of many differant people who have had association with the Watchtower, the majority of which seek to remove it from their lives. Some are now on a new search for spirituality. I have found the board great for finding out information I never knew existed and also hearing other peoples expierances. It serves alot of purpose, but if youv'e never really expieranced the Jehvoah's Witnesses I can see how it may not make sense to you.


  • orangefatcat

    I now see two Trolls, God why did you come here? You really don't need an answer your just a shit disturber.

    You and your $ 10.00 dollar words should say bye bye.

    Orangefatcat has left the room.

  • katiekitten
    Its SIMON!

    That really is quite funny!

    I come to this site because I can talk to people who completely and totally understand EVERYTHING that has happened to me in my life, without me having to go into longwinded explanations of what it was like being brought up as a Jehovahs Witness.

    Its a shared past, and it means we can talk about stuff shorthand.

    I come here to get advice and non judgemental discussion from people I consider to be my friends, in a way that I couldnt get from another site. Most of my questions and requests for advice have been non religion related, but theres such a wealth of knowledge here. Its like going to a clinic where theres a free doctor, lawyer, psychologist, mediator, and anyone else you can think of.

    Plus I come here to flirt.

  • mrsjones5
    I soooo agree with you.

    So you agree that we know this what is the point of you're being here? After reading most of your posts I don't see a point to it.


  • cyd0099

    I agree with you about the shorthand... If gets so frustrating to try and explain to non-dubbified people. Plus I gain a sense of comraderie through the shared experience.

    And there are cute women on the board, like you.

  • greendawn

    This is a great WTS bashing forum (and they deserve what they get here), but many people stated that they were helped here to overcome the cult induced psychological problems and that means it serves a useful purpose.

  • anewme

    My hat is off to all of you JWD posters who patiently try to help these rude dub newbies. I was one once myself. So I know the arrogance and black/white thinking is Society conditioning and I should feel sorrow and pity and understanding. I am working on it.

    I admire the collective maturity of this forum to continue to teach and bring insight to those still held captive by fundy trained thinking.

    With you,

  • anewme

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