it sunk in!!

by heretic 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • seattleniceguy

    Hey heretic,

    Nice work. If they ask for proof about the UN thing, be sure to print out this letter directly from the UN's Department of Public Information:


  • heretic

    yep cheers sng, Ive got all that stuff printed out with the statements from the wts etc. my plan is to have only the UN issue as a 'problem' im having when asked why im not making steps back, I say im having trouble with it & if they can give me an explanation please. Im too lazy to research everything on 607, silent lambs etc so i wont go around every topic like a typical apostate, just got this point down and it can start the fire for them to find out themselves as my friend seems to be doing, ill let him find all the other stuff on his own. I dont know how my tactic will fare ill keep everyone posted i guess I might become known as an apostate and the shit will hit the fan I had an interesting talk to my mum this morning ill post it on another thread.

  • deeskis

    Good on you for keeping your cool. "Tall oaks from little acorns grow", keep planting those seeds.

    Best wishes


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