How my mind has become more troubled .....

by troubled mind 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    The only thing that holds me back from telling them all where to go is that I could not deal with being shunned by my own kids . I have always known I love my kids more than any thing , and I would never shun them( unlike my in laws who shun their youngest son because we are suppose to love Jehovah more ).I think that's assinine . I wanted time to see how my adult kids would deal with my fade .I'm afraid if she interferes it will all be blown out of perspective and will force matters that could have just run their natural course.

  • bebu

    Thank goodness she is 1000 miles away!! It'd be so much worse if she were able to drive over and hassle you!

    Get caller ID, as mentioned. Screen her calls. (And if you recognize an elder calling, ignore that one, too.)


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Auntie Jane , thanks your right .I needed to hear that . I don't need to explain myself to anyone , it's amazing how much influence I give to other people I really need to stop that and take charge of myself .

  • EAGLE-1

    Why care what they think ? They are not in charge of the planet.

  • Gregor

    Some can get away with a fade. Your circumstance, what with all the family ties, really doesn't lend itself to a fade. I'm afraid your going to have to deal with some issues that might be sticky

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I am begining to think so too . I am going to try to keep my mouth shut . Which if you really knew me you know it would take a miracle. Seriously I don't need to answer anyone's questions that I don't want to , it is no one's business but mine.

  • penny2

    Fading might be easier than being disfellowshipped or disassociating, but it can have its own traumas. Sooner or later people realise what's going on and there'll be some sort of showdown. Sometimes the anticipation of this happening is worse than the actual event.

  • sass_my_frass

    Yeah, my mum wants 'answers'. She thinks I'm making an effort to be reinstated. Next time she asks I'll just tell her I'm not, but up until now I've not wanted to. Now I put our happiness ahead of hers. I don't have children though.

    Deflect, lie, avoid, do what it takes to get out of questioning, until you're ready to deal with it.

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