GB and their 'Hot Chicks'!

by Gill 42 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Gill

    How many members of the Governing Body are married to women a lot younger than themselves, and how many are married to 'Hot Chicks'?

  • PoppyR

    I cant tell you the answer, but notice that the higher up the ladder these positions go, the younger and prettier their wives get! It's just like the world.

    We had a DO whose wife died, and before the year was out, he was married to one 30 years younger, who worshipped the ground he walked on.

    So start 'reaching out' brothers, if you want a barbie girl!


  • looking_glass

    It seems to me that once the geezer loses his long time wife that regardless of whether they are GB, DO, CO or PO, they find themselves a younger woman. I always assumed it was because the religion seems to be heavy with chicks but lacking in men. Growing up my GFs and I always had an on going joke that the guys in our area would go to assemblies to gather their fan base and then work their way thru them. There was one good looking guy who we swore would gather all the chicks around his age and line them up and say "I will take you, I will take you, NOT you, etc."

  • Gill

    Happy Birthday Looking_glass!!

    I wondered if they considered themselves to be like the Old King David. When he got old, his assistants looked for the most beautiful young virgin they could find to 'keep him warm'. Maybe they think that's what they should be looking for!

  • ballistic

    hehe - I could do with one of those.! I'm freezing!

  • Van Gogh
    Van Gogh

    Exact same thing happened with CO here across the pond.
    Is this what contributed to my long drawn-out in-org celibacy?
    Wonder if my status within apostacy is likewise positively affected.
    Any takers?

  • looking_glass

    Well I say, you boys are entitled to as much eye candy as you want.

    Thankfully, we chicks also have access to all the free eye candy we want now that we are not bound by the chains that tied us. Ahh, the boys out there that are into us chicks, how lovely is that memory.

  • Spectrum

    Are these rumour or for real?
    Are we talking about a 70 year old with a 50 year old (which is reasonable) or with a 30 year old(which is dodgy)?
    Younger women are attracted to power and people with power are attracted to younger women nevermind how close the end is.

  • looking_glass

    The 47 PO of the "sister" Hall had a guy who lost his wife to cancer. She was really nice and we all were sad when she died. It was not 6 months later that he married the 21 year old pioneer sister from the hall I went to. Everyone thought it was so great that he found someone just like him because he was such a "young bro" and she was such an "old soul". Sorry, I just threw up a little in my mouth! It is creepy crap like that. First of all how anyone could encourage people in their early 20's to get married is beyond me. And the fact that her family was so excited because now they have a "spiritual head" because there were no men in their family that were JWs. Obviously the men in that family were smarter then the women.

  • Amazing1914

    For Shame, for Shame!

    Don't forget the pre-nuptual agreements, so that the young Mrs. GB's do not make any undue claims upon the death of the old geezer ... like a restirement security plan paid for by the Society. I understand that Bethelites do not have to pay Social Security or taxes because they take vows of poverty. So, who is going to care for these young "hotties" when her sugar daddy kicks off?

    Why would a GB man want to marry? Does a spiritual Anointed GB man really need the restraints of marriage? After all, according to them, sex is primarily for having children. Do they really only marry for some level of companionship? Or do they marry so that they can set an example in "godly" marriage, thus giving credibility to their all-wise marital counsel through the pages of the Watchtower and their Happy Family book? Yeah, right.

    What need do such "spiritual" men have for sex? By age 70 the old testosterone must be at all time lows, and the arteries are so clogged up that little blood can get to needed parts ... unless ... the Watchtower leaders have discovered Viagra. If one of the these old guys ever goes blind from these sex drugs, you can bet the Watchtower will be screaming bloody murder.

    Amazing, isn't it.

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