Synchronicity? Yes! Holy Spirit? No!

by metatron 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • metatron

    Recently, while I attended some technical meetings, I ate in a crowded restaurant. As few seats were available, a complete stranger

    asked if the seat next to me was taken. He sat down and I made a joke about the food ( pork) and what religions wouldn't care for

    it. This launched into an hour and half discussion about mysticism, out of body experiences and various new age books we both enjoyed.

    We were both struck with the strangeness of this chance encounter and all the beliefs we had in common - in the midst of a very rational,

    technical setting.

    OK, now consider this: suppose I was still an active Witness and met another Witness this way? Would I think that

    holy spirit was leading me? That Jehovah had directed me to a fellow believer?

    This is synchronicity at work. Is it the psychic ability of two minds reaching out - or just a trick of the mind?

    Either way, it's a real phenomena - and Witnesses get deceived by it into thinking that they have the 'true religion'

    simply because they occasionally run into someone 'interested in the truth' by accident! What they are calling holy spirit

    is simply the observation of synchronicity - something that impressed the famous psychologist Carl Jung, who coined the term.


  • Crumpet

    i agree its not holy spirit.

    i was thinking how nice it would be to have a drink after work tonight as its lovely and sunny and someone else who I don't know well just asked me out for one - no holy spirit there.

  • LDH

    Met, this reminds me of a family vacation to Hawaii when I was 15 or 16. We were looking at the odd geographical whatever you call it, that looks like Abe Lincoln's profile. (This crumbled a few years ago, somebody help me out here.)

    Anyhow, an Asian family passed us, and I noticed that the young woman (25 or so) was clutching a magazine labelled "Watchtowia" or something like that. I blurted out "Jehovah!" and she turned and our families began to embrace in what strangers must have thought was some odd mating ritual.

    They didn't speak English and we didn't speak their language, but we fawned over each other for at least an hour, sharing addresses and what not, right there at the base of the mountain where tourists congregate.

    We were convinced that the Holy Spirit led me to notice her Watchtower.

    How hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.


    Didn't the Police do a Synchronicity tour in 1986? Class

  • daystar

    There's a shadow on the door
    Of a cottage on the shore
    Of a dark Scottish lake

  • metatron

    OK, wiseguys, Old Police albums are great for quieting screaming babies. You put on "Walking On The Moon" and turn up the

    bass real loud and bounce the kid up and down. No kidding, it works ( also Issac Hayes stuff, babies like anything that sounds like

    a heartbeat)


  • daystar

    Oh, sorry.

    I, for one, don't disagree with you.

  • ballistic

    Another great thing you can do with a Police Album. It's a drinking game. Play the track "So Lonely" and every time you hear the lyric "So Lonely" you have to take a gulp. Try it - it's hilarious. After a while you are laughing so hard you can't gulp and laugh at the same time as you try to keep up with the song.

  • ballistic

    oh, my flat mate just told me it's played with "Roxanne", we only moved onto "So Lonely" because we were really drunk.

  • learntoswim

    This is synchronicity at work. Is it the psychic ability of two minds reaching out - or just a trick of the mind?

    Either way, it's a real phenomena - and Witnesses get deceived by it into thinking that they have the 'true religion'

    simply because they occasionally run into someone 'interested in the truth' by accident! What they are calling holy spirit

    is simply the observation of synchronicity - something that impressed the famous psychologist Carl Jung, who coined the termThis is synchronicity at work. Is it the psychic ability of two minds reaching out - or just a trick of the mind?

    i agree totally. its almost like a lot of brothers and sisters actually think that this must be the "truth" because of these types of things! a non jw friend of mine said recently that the old "i prayed for days to find the true religion and guess who came a-knockin" routine was used by a mormon friend of his who said just that, thats how he knows the mormon faith is the true religion cos he prayed and god answered. funny how many times that exact line has been used by the jws to prove its the truth also.

    I'm new here by the way. hello everyone!

  • LDH

    HI Learn!!! <<---waves from Fresno

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