Ok, so I'm going to my first church service this Sunday.......

by WingCommander 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander

    Hi All!

    I thought it appropriate that my 100th post be about the attending of my first "worldly" church service this Sunday. It is at a friends Methodist Church. They are having an open house, so I thought it the best day to go. They have a day care, social events, etc. I have no clue as to what to expect.

    Unlike many of you on here, it has taken me a long time to get to my 100th post.......I mean, I've been a member for almost 4 years now! Yikes! But I read on here almost daily. You'd think I'd have twice as many as Richie Rich by now, but I guess I'm not that talkative.

    Ok....so some other churches I plan on visiting are the Advent Lutheran Church, and the Seventh Day Adventists. Can anyone else recommend any other Churches? Oh, and I also have to buy a Bible this Saturday at the local Christian Bookstore. I'm thinking NIV or NAS. Which is more accurate?


    Wing Commander

  • KW13

    well whatever the outcome good for you. Hope its helpful!

  • lovelylil

    Hi wing,

    I say try them all. Eventually you will find one that you like, and that you feel have similiar beliefs that you can live with. I went to a few before deciding on one. I have to travel almost 3 hours round trip so I only go every other Sunday. But I got here because it is non-denominational and I have a friend that attends already.

    The first time I went to a church since leaving the JWs, It nearly blew me away. The people were so nice and the service was great. I always enjoy the music so much more that at the K.H. I felt so refreshed after it. Not like when I would leave the KH and feel like I was not good enough, etc.

    My hubby attended with me his first time in church two weeks ago. He even said he felt good afterwards. Anyway, I wish you luck. You will find the right one and it does not hurt to pray about it.

  • Crumpet

    When I was on my way out at 16 I went to quite a few churches with my dad's bible study - an Army Major who's son I nannied. I didn;t know that going to other churches was a disfellowshipping offence otehrwise I would have brought it up at my judicial. Anyway I went to various churches, but my mind was very closed and I was quite sneery.

    I say go with an open mind and just be yourself and soon enough you are bound to find one you feel genuinely comfortable in.

    The only church I've so far found myself comfortable is the local Pub!

  • Mary
    so some other churches I plan on visiting are the Advent Lutheran Church, and the Seventh Day Adventists. Can anyone else recommend any other Churches?

    Not sure if you read my post from a couple of weeks ago, but I went to a Catholic Church for Easter..........not my cup of tea though. Too ritualistic, but hey----everyone's different and some might like it.

    I've been invited to a Presbyterian Church and a Reformed Presbyterian church. I'm seriously considering trying both out. It is different than the Kingdom Hall to be sure. There's no one there to try and make you feel guilty that you're "not doing enough" and there's no reminder to turn in your field service report. Not sure how many churches pass around a collection plate, but when I went to a Baptist Church a couple of years ago, they did not expect me to donate anything which I thought was nice (but I donated anyway).

    Each person has to find what suits them the best. There's someone named Jeff on this board who's an ex-Witness and he did become a Catholic and it seems he's very happy with that, so I say power to him. Just keep searching and you'll know when you find one that you like.



  • LaCatolica
    Ok....so some other churches I plan on visiting are the Advent Lutheran Church, and the Seventh Day Adventists. Can anyone else recommend any other Churches?

    Definitely, check out the Catholic Church!!! If you have any questions regarding any part of the Mass, just ask. I'll be happy to help you out!

    *I've visited lots of churches myself. One that I'm totally interested in going to is the Southern Baptist church. I'll let you all know how it goes!

    Mary - Sorry that you didn't enjoy Easter Mass...I hope that you will visit on another occassion and have a better experience. It's different for everyone, I guess.


  • Crumpet

    I went to a baptisty type one where they started speaking in tongues which I found really freaky - but I hadn't watched a Bush Broadcast at that point, otherwise I'd have chilled!

  • ButtLight

    The only time I ever entered another church was for weddings. Didnt care for the Catholic religion either, too much up down kneeling stuff.

    The only church I've so far found myself comfortable is the local Pub!

    Praise the lord on that one!

  • AuldSoul

    I was as nervous as a virgin my first trip to Church a couple of weeks ago. I enjoyed myself thoroughly, though. I agree with lovelylil, go to as many as you like. You don't have to wait for open house either.

    Oddly, the biggest psychological hangup for me was when they passed little bags for a collection. But then I noticed some putting nothing in, others putting money in, and no one seemed to care which choice someone made. My wife and I are currently living on a shoestring budget (peanut butter and crackers around our house these days). Afterwards, I didn't feel bad at all.

    The pastor reassured me that I had given in another way when I mentioned it to him after the services. He said it had been some time since he had someone with whom he could dig into the "non-essential for salvation" Scriptures. He even referred to the Scripture "as iron sharpens iron..." which made me feel really good. Overall, it was delightful experience.

    We have a picnic after services this Sunday. The pastor has called me four times in two weeks and bought me coffee at Starbucks one morning, where we met for what became a 2½ hour discussion. It is awfully nice to know someone gives a damn.


  • lovelylil


    I am so happy for you that you seemed to find some place you are happy. I think all Christians are free agents in Christ and we can worship wherever we please. It is just a matter of finding a place that you feel you fit in. Sometimes it is hard after leaving the WT because you are indoctrinated into believing that you must agree on everything the church teaches or you get no value from it. I disagree totally because in the Early Church there were very few things you HAD to believe to be a Christian. And it mostly had to do with believing Christ is your savior and that he died and was resurrected. I tell people the only two important things are the ransom and restitution. (God plan for restoring all back to himself). Other than that, there are many grey areas. So, you have to go with an open mind. You will find it very encouraging that way. Becuase you can learn things in any church. And the main reason we get together is mutual upbuilding and fellowship, not endless bible study that leads to no where.

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