by Es 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Es
    Es acutally spewing we went out drinking once and i know that he is abit of a womaniser he was going to tell me a secret but then never did. Would have been great to get some dirt on him and then he could keep paying me a wage without me having to work LOL bit like in the movie Fight Club


  • Legolas

    Sorry to hear that Es

  • luna2

    Well, Es, he sounds like a real moron. Nice of him to phone you so you wouldn't miss out on his irrational little rant, wasn't it?

    I'd definitly quit due to the low hours and file for unemployment (or the Aussie equivalent). Maybe you could file a complaint about his behavior somewhere too as a nice parting present.

    If you do decide to prank him or his wife, be sure to use a pay phone. LOL

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia


    So sorry about your boss being a big a**hole to you! That is so wrong!

    When I was pregnant with my first son, I had a female boss who was evil to me daily because when I went out on Maternity leave it would make extra work for her, and I was being punished in advance.

    Then because I was having a high risk pregnancy, I got b*tched at that my pregnancy was costing this small company more money for medical insurance.

    It just keep escalating.

    After one b*tchfest, when she went to lunch I went in and had a talk with the owners of the company. I said, I am either going to kill Debbie or have a miscarriage. I am out of here. I gave them a typed document that had each date and time and of every nasty comment and argument. I packed my things up and left.

    She came back from lunch to a big surprise and I got a lot of phone calls apologizing and begging me to come back.

    I filed for unemployment and was granted it because she had discriminated against me for being pregnant. I don't know if its different where you are, but I'd file a complaint with the employment department.

    You need to take it easy! Soon your life will be like mine...filled with happy days and sleepless nights.

    I quit working out in the world 6 years ago. I started my own business in our home selling on ebay and I am so glad because I haven't missed a minute with either of my boys.

    Big hugs,


  • penny2

    Hi Es

    Next time you go in to work, do nothing but wash the dishes and tidy the stationery cupboard. When he complains, say you thought they were his top priorities.

    There's too many bad bosses out there. They're not worth the stress.

    Good luck!


  • Crumpet

    What an arse! Poor little Es - you deserve better.

    I hope Mr Es has perfected his toe -sucking skills over night!

    crumpet (((())))

  • Es

    Thanks all you wonderful people.

    I msg him yesterday and i said i wont be in for two weeks and to pls refrain from calling me whatsoever.

    Next week he will receive my letter of resignation.

    Im done working for that ar$%hole


  • jgnat

    My daughter stayed a couple years too long with a lousy employer. Within months of hiring her he had two "disciplinary notices" on her file. He did this routinely with every new hire so that he could legally fire them at a moment's notice. He micromanaged, standing behind her when she took calls on reception and directing her, "hang up on them now," "you were too abrupt," "you sounded nervous" and so on. When he found out she was looking for alternate employment, he changed the rules for giving notice for time off and adjusted her lunch hour so she couldn't go for interviews. When he found out she was pregnant, he fired her.

    After she dried her tears of outrage, my daughter swiftly found a new job through a temporary agency. The new office was like night and day. The boss asked what she needed most, and my daughter said, "This might sound silly, but I would really like a stapler of my own. At the last office I had to wait when the communal stapler was free, and it was a real pain." The next day, there was a stapler in the middle of her desk. The people in the new office took my daughter in to their hearts, and even though she was only with them for a few months, they threw her a baby shower.

    Lousy employers don't deserve the best. For good employees, life is too short to put up with that garbage. How about checking with some of the temporary agencies in town?

  • Es

    thanks so much jnat that was a really nice story bout her second job.

    I cant believe bosses can think they behave like that makes me sick.

    Yeah i might check out some temp agency's the only thing that worries me is that other than Mon and Tue I cant really work as i have no real support team to look after my son, and with kinder rates being so high i would be working to put me son in kinder for those extra days. But def will keep eyes open


  • TresHappy

    Employers can be real bastards/bitches, can't they. NOTHING, I mean NOTHING, is more important than you and your baby's health. Stress is such a killer; I would find a way to stay home, I'd get my healthcare provider to get me on some type of disability. There's a girl here at work who is pregnant and her boss gets mad when she goes for a check-up. He makes her make-up the time instead of taking sick leave. She finally went to human resources and they told her she could take sick time. He has since backed off since but is still giving her grief about working after the baby is born.

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