How did your parents punish you?????(Fluff)

by whyamihere 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • looking_glass

    It's funny what you remember after you think about things for a while. My father who passed away when I was young was a df'd guy. One day my mom was really pissed about something at all of us (not my brother because he had moved out to his own place by then). So as punishment she made my dad take my older sister and me for the day. Well it was around x-mas and my dad was pissed that he had to haul around two girls all day long and what would he do with two little girls. So he took us shopping and told us that we could get whatever we wanted because it was for x-mas. When we returned to the house, my sister and I ran all the way up stairs screaming and laughing because we were so happy. My mom asked what the deal was because she was certain that we would have come back crying and my dad would have come back mad because of having us two brats. Instead, she finds out that he dropped a load of cash on what he called "Chrismas presents". So not only was that day a great day between a father and his daughters, but she technically paid for the presents as well because he wrote the checks out of their joint bank account.

  • misanthropic

    My parents realized early on that spankings didn't work on me. So I always got stuck writing lines (I will not "whatever the crime was here" ever again). I usually had to do rounds of 100 lines to 500 lines depending on how bad what I did was.

    I must have written millions of lines in my time, I never learned my lesson.


    I usually got spanked, and I never had bruises to show it. Once I got into my teens I was usually grounded. Though I did get slapped in the face once by my mom, and another time my dad picked me up and threw my about 10 feet into my bathroom. Both of those times I had really smarted-off to them and I had seriously provoked them.

  • EAGLE-1

    I would get chewed out for reading books even from the schools library esp. if it was on history,school related, or THE TRUTH ( not jdub truth) .Fahrenheit 451.Shit really hit the fan when I read a bs book titled Chariots of the Gods.phew.....Everyone came at me for that one.Seldom grounded just mauled.Will gladly return the abuse if theres ever a prison for jbubs.I will apply for the job.WARDEN......yea cmon

  • limbogirl

    The usual spankings with whatever my mom could get her hands on...hairbrush, flyswatter, clothes hanger. And then after being punished we had to pray to jehovah........Dear jehovah--I'm sorry I hit my little brother. Please jehovah, kill all the wicked people. through your son jesus christ, amen.

  • juni

    My Dad let Ma do the disciplining - out came the yardstick.


  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Wasn't me that got punished...

    I was always fighting with my sister, one day we'd been left alone indoors while my mother had gone out shopping. I've forgotten what it was that she did but my sister ended up getting her head dunked in the toilet and had it flushed. A short while later Mum came home and my sister went running to the door, tears in her eyes sobbing that I had put her head down the toilet and flushed it. I protested my innocence saying that I'd NEVER do anything that bad and that she had put her head under the tap to make it wet to get me in trouble. My Mum then hit my Sister for lying lol

  • misanthropic

    Dr Jekyll- That is so mean (yet funny). I can't believe your mom believed you.

  • mjs mouse, ben
    mjs mouse, ben

    My JW Mother used to beat us with a belt, I guess her hand wasn't good enough, she would hit us while yelling at the top of her lungs "you know why I'm hitting you, dont you?", and sometimes I really didn't know. And btw it was with the buckle end of the belt. She would always quote that "rod of discipline" scripture after each beating. Out of all of us kids, only 2, one sister and one brother ended up being abusive to their children. And those are the two that are the most "spiritual". @#holes.

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