Bring on your worst punishment....

by misspeaches 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • misspeaches

    Can you guys help me with a competition entry? Its to do with Big Brother which started screening again in Australia this week and I'm looking for some inspiration!


    Big Brother warned there would be 'no more Mr Nice Guy' in BB06. He plans to keep this promise and is now offering you the chance to join him in his devious tricks.

    The 'Mixt It Up' competition gives you the opportunity to put your imagination to dastardly use by suggesting the most embarrassing, frustrating or downright annoying task you would like to see a HM perform as a punishment for breaking House rules. If Big Brother is suitably impressed with at least one of the wicked suggestions, he will subject a HM to it.

    Describe a task you'd inflict on misbehaving Housemates.

  • Kaput

    Have he or she sleep in a bedbug-infested bed for a night.

  • misspeaches

    on kaput your evil...! Good suggestion... he he he. keep em coming!

  • sass_my_frass

    My suggestion:

    Stop watching BB!! I thought you were cooler than that!

    I shall have to reconsider the respect I have for you.

  • rebel8

    Read the Youth book out loud to the housemates, then explain in great detail why it's important to bathe and not date.

  • Finally-Free

    Spend an entire day listening to "from house to house" over and over again.


  • misanthropic

    I have nothing to offer as far as punishments for the show go, but if you make it on Big Brother 6 then I'll definitely be watching! It'll be the first season with something to see ;)

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