You are invited to sit down with the GB members..

by James Mixon 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • steve2
    Why would I accept such an invitation? The audacity of the invitee assuming I'd just accept and want to talk.
  • cleanideas

    I actually had dinner with Lyman Swingle and his wife Crystal at Bethel back in 1995. Of course this was when I was still very young and hadn't realized it was a cult yet. I mostly just sat there as he talked about random parts of his life.

    The only other GB member I spoke with was Carey Barber. He gave me a very nasty look one day because I was wearing tennis shoes in a hallway at Bethel, and then 4 years later I helped deliver a very expensive donated car to Bethel, towing it from Kansas. He walked over and greeted me once I got there. Overall a nice attitude; I guess it just takes giving them a luxury vehicle rather than being a poor Bethelite in old shoes to get a pleasant reaction from them. HAHA!

    But I sure do wish I had the knowledge then that I have now to really ask them the hard questions, but of course that would have just got me thrown out on my ear! LOL!

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    All great questions folks. I would love to hear the GB response for

    each of your questions. You talk about men lost for words. I think

    a few would literally pee in their pants. They are not use to such

    hard question from brain dead people.

    I can see it now, "the eBook chapter4" let's talk about New Light.

    GB, that's old light...LOL

  • Crazyguy
    which knee cap do you want it in first?
  • sir82

    I'd like a clear explanation of the exact difference between "spirit-inspired" and "spirit-directed", including Biblical references supporting the distinctions made.

    Take your time, I'm in no rush......

  • _Morpheus
    I wouldnt ask him about tight pants.....
  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate

    I'd ask why they wear so much jewelry.

    Showy display much?

    I would quiz them on current "WT troof", and see how versed on the bible (and their own theology) they really are.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    The system is devised so that members cannot access the Governing Body members. The reason? Because they see their jobs as feeding and not being fed. Of all the questions so far, The Searcher, I think, asked the best. How, exactly, did God/Christ select them to be the faithful slave? I think it's the one question that scares them more than any other; and it most likely is ONE QUESTION they must sometimes ask themselves when no one else is around. Each GB member is a prophet to the people...modern day apostles who hope when bad times come that they will be given the light to lead their people to safety. But so far, the silence is deafening. Like the Zealot leaders on Masada, they wait for guidance from On High even as the Romans ready their massive siege engine and grappling hooks. Too late they discover that the light will not be forthcoming...that the promised Messiah is not going to save them. They then realize they are not the Sons of Light after all. It must be a difficult question to ponder. And by the way, what happens to expensive cars that are donated to Bethel? Are they sold or do the Lord's chosen ones use it?

  • crazyhorse

    My questions to them will be:

    How exactly do you receive new light from Jehovah through Jesus?

    Do you feel a zing in your head like " oh that's it . holy spirit zinged me new light"?

    You guys are really not going to heaven right?

  • Oubliette

    I invited them to a "sit down" a few years ago to discuss a few things. They rudely didn't even respond to my invitation so why would I even honor such a hypothetical invitation with a response?

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