Calculate the number of days you gave to the watchtower....

by kid-A 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • kid-A

    I spent 26 years in the borg, having been born in. I conservatively estimated devoting a total of 8 hours/week in terms

    of preparing and attending meetings and threw in "assembly" and "convention" time to the equation. I came up with a total of 11,648 hours of my life

    spent in the service of the Watchtower corporation. Thats about 485 days of my life gone forever and completely wasted.

    On the bright side, they really only stole 1.3 years of my life !!! I guess I got off with a light sentence. Have you ever tried to calculate

    how many years (in real time) you actually spent in the kingdumb hall or conventions???

  • Leolaia

    How about put a dollar figure for each hour and figure out how much they owe you in back wages for your free labor?

  • Mary
    Have you ever tried to calculate how many years (in real time) you actually spent in the kingdumb hall or conventions???

    God no...........why depress myself even further?

  • Finally-Free

    Counting only meetings, service, conventions, etc. I've wasted roughly 3 years. That doesn't include meeting preparation, family study, kingdom hall maintenance, getting dressed for meetings, driving time, etc. And of course, I counted each day as 24 hours, but really each day has roughly 16 usable hours - the other 8 are spent sleeping, so the time wasted should probably be increased by 1/3. And I should probably count the time I spend here bitching about the watchtower because it's a direct result of my time with the cult.


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Excellent point Leolaia. Kid-A would have worked 5.6 years worth of forty hour work weeks. Doesn't seem like you got off all that easy now, does it Kid-A?

    I would also venture to say that the average time is much greater when considering all the time consumed by grooming, traveling to / fro meetings and socializing with brothers / sisters.

    Based on approximately 18 years of imprisonment I would estimate approximately 12,456 hours (=519 days, =74.1 weeks, =1.4 years, or 5.9 years of 40 hour work weeks).

  • greendawn

    Kid A you don't appear to have included in your 8 hours per week the time you spent for preaching, beyond preparation and time at meetings plus time to get there and back to home.

    I never calculated it yet but I was only active for about a year.

  • Finally-Free

    Hmmm, this could add up to a lot of lost/missed dollars. I'm also thinking of money paid for literature, donations, suits, wear and tear on cars, gas, etc.

    And interest compounded on the lost $$$.


  • misspeaches

    Ha. Imagine if we began calculating this (can someone put together an excel formula for us?) and then submit an invoice to bethel. They would have invoices coming in from all over the world. ha ha

  • inquirer

    kid-A (But everyone else can read it of course! :) ),

    to everyone and kid-A,

    sore thumb... Not all of it was a waste of time. Some of the people I met (not many) were good. Some were literally quite nice. Some of the book studies and Watchtowers were informative, Daniel and Isaiah's Prophecy (I wasn't a JW at that time, but books like that I enjoyed reading) and help me to have a basic appreciation for God. Maybe the people around me were sour grapes, but the information from those books I liked. To me, I am the opposite in opinions about the Awake! magazine -- I find it incredibly boring. The Awake is my "Watchtower" magazine. I know, I know, I am the sore thumb bloke. But that's just how I am.

    It's very exhausting! It's obvious the JW's were set up by middle class Americans!

  • uninformed

    16,425 DAYS--for me

    17,155 Days--for my wife

    7,300 Days for my oldest son

    7,300 Days for my oldest daughter

    6,205 Days and still counting for my youngest son

    5,475 Days for my youngest daughter

    59,860 Days Family Total

    (these figures are rounded to nearest year)


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