Is there a 3rd option to explain the origin of life?

by nicolaou 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    For life itself anywhere in the universe, I really can't come up with any other alternatives. I'm leaning towards naturalistic processes.

    For life specifically appearing on Earth, I like entertaining the option of directed panspermia.

  • Mastodon

    uhmm... Talk to a Scientology...

  • Mary
    uhmm... Talk to a Scientology...

    Will they jump up and down on Oprah's couch and scream "....I CREATED YOOOOOOOU!!!!"

  • finis_mundi

    Evolution is a natural process, thus by itself doesn't deal with the God issue. If one believes that God created the universe and the laws that govern it there is no conflict between evolution and creation. If on the other hand one believes that the bible is absolutely literal and God was playing with some clay, formed it into a humanoid shape, gave it CPR thereby creating man - well conflict can ensue. In essence evolution answers how but doesn't necessarily answer why.

  • SickofLies

    How can you just brish aside the FSM like that? HE IS THE ANSWER!!!

    Have you been touched by his noodly appendage?


  • a Christian
    a Christian

    I see no reason to choose between Divine Creation and evolution. It seems clear to me (and to millions of others) that God used evolution as His means of creation.

  • jwfacts

    This is a very Western question. Oriental religions do not simplify it so much. Quantum physics and theories of the holographic universe also show we are only scratching the surface of what could be.

    There are many options, some we have thought of, some we have not. There could be untold numbers of universes and dimensions and therefore origins.

    Everything may have always existed.

    Aliens may have come from elsewhere and populated the earth.

    God may have initiated evolution.

    God may be in every atom, and as such each atom has the ability to spontaneously evolve into what is need when it is needed.

    I felt the Creation book really dumbed down the idea of evolution when it said simple maths can be used to determine the chance of proteins collecting in the correct order. It failed to consider that proteins may have a 'magnetic' type of attraction or even higher intelligence in order to find their partners.

  • finis_mundi

    I felt the Creation book really dumbed down the idea of evolution when it said simple maths can be used to determine the chance of proteins collecting in the correct order. Exactly, one cannot apply simple statistics to what is inherently a Quantum Mechanical process. QM greatly increases the probability of the development of a self-replicating protein.

  • finis_mundi

    I felt the Creation book really dumbed down the idea of evolution when it said simple maths can be used to determine the chance of proteins collecting in the correct order.

    Exactly, one cannot apply simple statistics to what is inherently a Quantum Mechanical process. QM greatly increases the probability of the development of a self-replicating protein.

  • Hellrider

    About the origin of life, try turning the problem upside down, like this: For a second, tell yourself that "I can ask questions like this because I am allready here". And then stop your line of thought. It`s very liberating. Almost spiritual (for real).

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