I'm not angry anymore...

by TerriO 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • looking_glass

    Hello Terri, I am not from England but I know some British expressions, does that count.

    As for being raised a JW, been there done that. Regular pioneered, ditto. Served where the need was greater, blah, blah, blah - typical strong JW past.

    As for leaving, numerous things caused my gradual fade. I don't hate the religion or anyone in it. I feel sorry for them. I really do.

    I went to college and minored in psychology and that is probably what helped me the most. I also study theology and realized that JWs are not the only ones who blindly follow what is told to them. History proves it out that it has happened and will continue to happen thru out the ages.

    I agree with the theory that behind anger is fear. I refuse to let anyone or any thing cause me to be angry or fearful.

    In the States there are support groups for people who have left fundamentalist religions and are trying to get their lives back together. I don't know about England, but my guess would be that you guys have the same thing there. Call any local university that teaches psychology, they usually have resources to put you in contact with these types of groups. If you are thinking of going to school to be a therapist, most likely this same university would be able to put you in touch with mentors that would be able to assist you in reaching your ultimate goal.

    I am glad to hear that you are happy and content in your life. You certainly sound like an example to lead by. Much success in your upcoming enveadors.

  • apfergus

    Another good book that I don't think I've heard anyone here mention before is Apocalypse Delayed by James Penton. It's supposed to be a scholarly history of the JWs and I found it pretty interesting. It tells a little bit of a different story than what I remember from that one big green two-volume Watchtower publication the name of which I can't remember.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Terri,

    WELCOME!!! We are glad you decided to join the forum. I have been inactive with my husband for about a year now. He was a MS and we were both raised strong in the organization all untill we began to question 607. Our story is under my name (you can find it under member directory) it is entitled "Its high time I introduce myself". Anyhow, the book you ordered Crisis of Concience is a real "eye opener". You won't hardly be able to put it down. When you are done I suggest reading Rays other book, "In search of Christian Freedom". It will probably help you alot.


    Lady Liberty

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I ditto Lady Liberty.

    Ray Franz wrioe "In Search of Christian Freedom" to help people get on with their life. It is lengthy, but I enjoyed reading every page. It helped immensely. BTW, it took me over 42 years to realize that the Organization was not God's instrument, and I almost lost my husband because I was such a diehard. You have a lot more years ahead of you, and I hope they continue to be good years.

  • MerryMagdalene
  • serendipity

    Welcome to the forum, Terri!

  • TerriO

    Thanks everybody for your really positive messages!

    In answer to some of your questions. Someone asked how I came out of the witnesses by myself. I never got disfellowshipped, in fact I was still a reg pioneer when I stopped. I'd missed quite a few meetings due to illness, but would always get the tapes of the meetings. A few people's attitudes caused me to question it all. And that while I was ill, not one witness came to visit me, yet all my work friends were concerned, and I'd never even been out with any of them before, due to 'bad assoc' and all that.

    One day while on ministry on my own, I was walking down this really long road, where I always saw at least one witness, cos a lot of JW's lived in that area. I was feeling really shitty, and I was praying like I always did. I said, look Jehovah, I've never asked you for anything, and I've always done what was right, I've dedicated my whole life to you, yet I'm always alone, no-one ever supports me. I visit, and encourage other 'low' witnesses, and help the younger ones, and spend up to 12 hours in a day on the ministry by foot. I asked that at least maybe one witness would drive past and wave and that would show me that he cared and I was doing the right thing. Well it didn't happen, and I started to feel guilty for 'testing' God. So I asked that a witness drove past, and they didn't need to wave, no-one did. So I changed it to a green car driving past, bearing in mind this is the busiest road in town, and I'd never walked down it before without seeing a witness. No green car passed me either, I started to think this was weird. So I asked for a red car, and I gave it 3 minutes!! How common a colour is Red, normally every other car you see is red. Not one red car passed. This really freaked me out. Amongst other things happening, I just stopped going. I went for a night out with friends from work, and had the most amazing time ever, I went to a nightclub for the 1st time, and didn't get back till 5am. I didn't get drunk, or do anything else a witness shouldn't do. The next day my mum told me I had untill the next day to move out. She knew I'd been made redundant from work, and I had no savings. So with no money, no home, and no friends, cos I'd never made any proper friends yet from work, I was out. I went to work the next day crying, and this guy who'd fancied me for ages, said I could stay in his spare room, till I sorted myself out. I ended up making some brilliant friends, eventually got another job and everything started getting better and better!

    A few years later, I was feeling a bit low again, and for the first time since leaving the religion I prayed to God or whoever was out there. I was walking to work and I said if there is anyone there that cared, please answer me. I said if you care and I'm on the right path in life then please make a red car drive out from that small road. I could see between 2 houses a very narrow road, which had no traffic coming from it. I stood still and watched the road, of which I could only see the exit as it lead into the main road. What happened next will stay with me for the rest of my life. I thought I'd wait for ages for a red car to drive out. But straight away a red car drove out, then another one right after it, then another one, eventually I realised 7 red cars drove out of that narrow road!!! This made me cry and feel very happy and loved! I later found out, that this road was in fact a drive through to a very small car park that was just for the people who lived in flats there. How weird that they should all have red cars, and they all drove out at the same time!!

    I don't follow any religion anymore, I'm not even interested in the bible, but I do know that somebody cares and they don't have lots of rules about things!!

    Love Terri,


  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    Wow Terri:

    Great story!! Welcome to the board! You'll find lots of friends here!


  • sass_my_frass

    Oh yeah I'm proud I got out! I wasn't even trying, and I can't even work out how it happened, but it did, and life is great!

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