Hey I walked away from the computer for a while - I was watching the rerun of Grey's Anatomy. What can I say, I get a thrill out of Dr. McDreamy. And for the record, I don't get upset easily, so bring it on boys, bring it on.
And I am assuming that "tripped" out is like "flipping out" yes, no, maybe so ....
And no I cannot multi task. I cannot look longingly into the t.v. all the while drool over Dr. McDreamy and exchange witty banter with you chaps. Anyways Ballastic you need to get your sleep and Megadude, I don't know your deal, so I will just have to read up on you and figure you out and play mind games with you as well.
Oh and before anyone thinks I have tripped out again ... I am getting ready for bed. Tomorrow is another work day, up early to slay more dragons. Have fun storm'n the castle.