Define or explain...

by LaCatolica 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Legolas

    A 'worldly' person in the eyes of the JW's is pretty much a bad person!

    This is one paragraph from a WT...

    Here is the scripture they love to shove down your throat ....

    " Bad associations spoil useful habits."—1 Cor. 15:33.


    Single persons who are not living at home often find it advantageous financially to share a room with another single person. When a dedicated Christian finds this necessary, he will be making a serious mistake if he chooses to room with a worldly person who does not share his love for God and for the righteous standards of the Scriptures. Such close contact with a person whose thinking is not Scripturally good can be a corrupting influence on him. It would be better for him to room by himself than with someone who would be a continually bad influence on his thinking.
  • LaCatolica

    So in other words, "tell me who you hang with and I'll tell you who you are"

    (or in Spanish, "dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres")

    My husband has said this a few times and I've told him that that little statement is NOT depends heavily on the person. If you are easily manipulated and naive, a bad person can easily make you change your ways...if you're headstrong and a not easily manipulated then you should be OK. In fact, you'll be able to change them into good people!!! I know this from personal experience!!! (I can see a JW youth be easily manipulated by others as was the case of my husband...b/c living such a sheltered life can lead them to not be prepared on how to deal with certain situations...thus, becoming influenced and turning "worldly"...which wouldn't have happened had they been exposed and allowed to be in these situations.)

    So, that statement about the single person and the worldly roommate is FALSE!!!

  • M.J.

    equivalent to "wog" in Scientology--meaning non-Scientologists.

  • jgnat

    The concept comes from Jesus' instruction to be "no part of the world". (John 17:11, 14-19) Here's a balanced article on the subject.

    You are right. JW's use words like "worldly" and "christendom" as swear words. From a JW's point of view EVERYONE who is not a JW is "worldly". Your righteous acts don't count because you wear a cross (among other things).

  • EAGLE-1

    If WORLDLY people refused to render services to these aliens they would be up the creek.No insurance,no medical,no law,no food,NO SERVICE at all,No more jdubz.Sounds like paradise now......

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