Need Advice for Female Now!

by mwconklin 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrMoe

    If you study it is somewhat permissible. I married out of the truth, but hid dating my boyfriend until 1 week before the big day. I was stripped of all privileges when I got married. It is a HUGE no no because all of those who are not JW's are believed to be worshiping Satan - no that is not a joke. You need to get her out of this cult - have her read a book called Crisis of Conscience - you can but it at Commentary Press or I was raised a JW and it is very very hard to get out. Good luck honey - you are going to need it.

  • Billygoat

    You may not realize it now, but if you stay with her, you'll get a broken heart - she will eventually pick her religion over you. And if she picks you over the JW's - she'll be guilt-ridden and blame you for separating her from her religion/family/friends.

    One day you'll remember this thread and do one of two things:

    1. Wish you'd taken our advice.
    2. Glad you took our advice.

    I hope it's number 2! Good luck! You will need it!


  • closer2fine

    Well, I was 19 when I started dating my "worldly" boyfriend (he's now my husband). We have been together 10 years. It was really tough for the first few years. I didn't believe in the JWs (I was raised one) - but all my friends and family were JWs. I was afraid to take a stand with him until I had some kind of commitment from him, I didn't want to risk losing my family and being df'd for a guy who didn't love me. He had trouble committing to me because I wasn't serious enough about him to tell my family.

    We went round and round for a year with this. I finally felt secure enough in my relationship with him to tell my family. They flipped & made all kinds of threats - but by then I was inactive and they had moved out of state.

    Even after 10 years together - my JW family still has issues with us. My husband and I are stronger than ever & have a beautiful baby. I guess you need to find out if she believes in the religion or not. If she has any ties to it, than I'm afraid you might just be a big rebellion for her and not a serious relationship. Of course if that is all you are interested in......:o)


    I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
    than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance - e.e. cummings

  • MrMoe

    If he loves her - it is all worth it. I so beleive in that. My husband almost left me because I was hiding him when we were dating and I came very close to choosing the WT over him. Although marriage is tough - I must say I am glad he stuck by me.

    Love cannot be dictated - if she truly loves you - she will follow her heart - because I sure did.

  • nelly136

    19 must be the year for it,
    I started seeing a non jw and was dfd about a fortnight before my
    19th birthday it cost me my family to be with him (but I was desperate to leave the jws anyways....was a means to an end)and I wouldnt have gone back even if it didnt work.
    It depends on your girlfriend basically,is she prepared to
    either convert you in or leave at the risk of losing her family?
    Long term are you prepared to be married to the watchtower if she ever
    decides to go back, this can effect any possible future family you may have

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