How Were You Treated By The Elders?

by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    they ignored my exsistance because i didnt have a penis.

    Hey i have one of those and I was ignored too !

    On the whole the Elders only bothered with me when there was trouble and they needed to do a fact finding mission (and no I wasn't the congregation snitch)

    Towards the end of my dub life I left my normal congregation and went off to another local hall. That was the only time they showed any interest in me and it wasn't so much because they were concerned about me it was because the PO of my "new" unofficial hall had contacted them and asked for my publisher card. My Elders didn't want to give it up and ordered me to come back but the new PO stuck up for me and told me to stay in the new hall and he eventually got my card. Even though I still lived in their territory not once did any of my local Elders or brothers come and visit me or ring.

  • lowden

    Hey Minimus

    Authoritarian beasts with no sense of compassion and human feeling whatsoever. Nuff said!!



  • undercover
    and it killed me how little they seemed to really care when tough times, for me, came along.

    I know what you mean. Friendship in the JWs is conditional on towing the line and following direction. If you deviate from the norm, or question anything, then that friendship is taxed. If your inactive then most friendships become inactive as well.

    It's that mentality that lends me to thinking of JWs as a cult. Even the "good" elders that mean well, don't really know any better, they act by remote control. The friendship was never "real", it was based on our good behavior.

    And if someone had real problems that couldn't be solved by prayer or study, then they were shuffled aside as so much refuse. The JW mentality being that such ones had to be doing something wrong so as to not have God's spirit. Another cult thought process.

  • minimus

    Everything is conditional.

  • lucifer

    I liked the elders in my cong. although not when they were at my house telling me not to hang out with my "worldy" friends/boyfriend, they are nice individuals, until of course I da'd and now the ones I see act like they don't see me

  • Thegoodgirl

    They were nice to me, like fathers. But then again, I was "The Good Girl."

    And the one that was closest to me wouldn't come to my non-JW wedding.

  • just2sheep

    the only good elder is an ex elder. the boe is only as good as the lowest common denominator.

  • serendipity

    A few greet me when I go to the KH. Beyond that, I'm ignored. Not that I'm complaining anymore. It makes it easier to stay on the fringes.


    I have been treated like sh*t because I am an elder and the PO thinks he is an apostle and the other elders kiss his anus while I dont.

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