Ex JW hacktivism

by StarTrekAngel 27 Replies latest members campaign

  • wifibandit

    I agree with Simon as well.

    One thing that helped me was that www.jwfacts.com did not employ sneaky tactics like trying to look like jw.borg. That would have played into WT hand, fitting the boogie-man of apostates trying to trick you. We don't need to trick people, that is WT's game! Facts and logic are on our side.

    I do think all "still in" members with access to confidential information should leak it. Information wants to be free, the internet makes this easy. It should be one google search away!

  • StarTrekAngel

    Please don't feel at any moment that I am arguing against your answers. I am in no way considering acting on this. This is the very reason for the thread itself. To pass judgement on the method.

    With that said, I agree that forcing someone is only counter productive, but for that, they need to be aware that they are being forced. At no point did I mentioned that the said site would look like anything known and sneaky.

    As far as my case, yes, it would have worked, so far I was not aware that someone was shoveling down something down my throat. Funny experience, the first time I bumped into this website, many many years ago, it was by accident. Not that I was looking for "apostate" material either. One day I wondered if the society had a site of its own so I ran a search. No doubt in my mind that I was in the right organization at that time and besides, apostate talk at meeting was not as prevailing back then. When I clicked on the link I knew I was not in an official JW site, but I also did not think apostates were already online. To top it off, it seemed like everyone at the time, on this site, had just come back from an assembly and were posting comments about it. May be it was my unawareness or naiveness, but it took me a while and had to read several comments before I realized it was not a pro-JW site. Had it been just a simple copy of a pre-1975 magazine, and it would have raised serious questions.

    Thanks everyone for your comments.

  • cappytan

    I like the idea of having a PirateBox (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PirateBox) at a convention or meeting in your book bag, and have anyone that connects and surfs to JW.ORG get a self contained site that gives a "just the facts ma'am" rundown of things that might wake someone up.

    You'll either help someone wake up, or get people all paranoid about the undercover apostate in their midst.

  • StarTrekAngel
    There you go...
  • StarTrekAngel
    Rasberry Pi would be my first thought..
  • bsmart

    There is a saying "Google is your friend" I use it a lot, and use it for everything. If you can get a person online and help them use google for shopping or research, sooner or later that person will type in something witness related.

    You will have done your job, get the person familiar with a search engine.

  • cappytan

    You can do that with a Raspberry Pi, but it's a lot easier with with a rooted TP link portable router. (http://www.amazon.com/TP-LINK-TL-MR3040-Wireless-Portable-Compatible/dp/B0088PPFP4/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1424369103&sr=8-3&keywords=tp+link+portable+router)

    Check this video out for info on doing that (they show both the Raspberry Pi method and the Portable Router method):


  • StarTrekAngel
    LOL cappytan... You and I need to get together one day.
  • StarTrekAngel
    Let it just be clear that I am not acting on this, specially if the community feels it would be counter productive. That's right, I said "if the community". While I would not like for a group like this one to turn into another unity-or-death type of cult, I feel that we definitely should have some degree of common understanding, specially from those who've done it for longer.
  • cappytan

    I don't see how the Pirate Box at a meeting or assembly would be counter productive.

    What's the saying that I've heard so many times in one form or another from the platform? "If even one person out of a million responds, our ministry has been fruitful."

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