Pics are up of nigeria assembly hall

by loosie 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • stillAwitness
    It isn't enough that you are wiping out their religious culture, you have to make them look like dorkey American business men too!

    My boyfriend talks about the WT 's impact on my culture all the time I used ot think it was silly but I can understand what he means now .

  • loosie

    I agree. Why aren't all the hall the same or equal in ammenities? The contribution boxes are labeled WORLDWIDE work aren't they?

    I sent these to a friend of mine and they said "they are joyful for what they have. And how we shouldn't complain about going to baseball stadiums for assemblies"

    My friend totally missed the point about what the society could afford.

    I guess the society only gives the locale what the people can afford instead of what the society can afford.

  • mkr32208
    They didn't think security through though - Christians are persecuted in Nigeria.

    Thats why they have no walls! When the police arrive they don't bottleneck at the door they can scatter like quail!

  • Medic!?

    Here's hoping it burns to the ground, which by the looks of that great construction, should only take 20 minutes. Almost reminds me of when we were hearded into the Vet up in Philadelphia, sweating our collective asses off while every other place in America was indoors. And similar to this, the speakers had air conditioned booths to sit in and preach out of.

  • kid-A

    Dammit, they never let ME wear a dress for my talks!!!

    I love a nice green and white moo-moo...... LOL....


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