Do you still say you are a JW?

by architect 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • noni1974

    No I don't tell people much.I used to lie when I was a JW telling people I wasn't but my family were.Now I don't say anything unless asked about religion.If people ask me what religion I am I tell them none and why.

  • geevee

    I do not say I AM a JW. To the dubs, we are inactive, materialistic, pleasure seeking. To those others that matter, I am happy to tell them we dont go anymore, and they always want to know why and I tell them heaps.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I just generally tell folks I have escaped a cult. When they ask which one I tell them JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES! Then I tell them whatever they want to know about it.

    I am busy making sure no one I know will ever join that cult.


  • GodisRight

    You guys should be eager to let others know that you are formers jws and the reasons why you left.

    Think of the pain/misery and division in your families that might have been avoided if an ex JW gave you or your parents the facts about 'the truth' before you got in too deep into this cult. I wish an ex JW told me what was going on 10 years ago. I only really learned the real truth early last year.

  • Mrs.Congeniality

    There is no way I let anyone know I spent all 30 years of my life a JW. It is so embarrassing to even let people know. I want nothing to do with the most judgemental org. ever.

  • bem

    I just generally tell folks I have escaped a cult. When they ask which one I tell them JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES! Then I tell them whatever they want to know about it.

    I am busy making sure no one I know will ever join that cult.


    Ditto for me as well, I speak up when the religion subject comes up and as long as people will listen I tell them why I am no longer a part too. I was always quick to say I was one now I'm just as quick to say I aint one.

    ~ Dorothy

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