Comments You Will Not Hear at the 4-16-06 WT Study (Senses)

by blondie 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the April 16, 2006 WT Study (March 1, 2006 issue, pages 22-26)(SENSES) Review comments will be in redWT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxesw = Watchtower
    g = Awake (various Bible translations online) (WT publications online) (child abuse) (blood issue) (United Nations issue)


    "Anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps."--PROVERBS 14:15

    Opening Comments

    Notice how many OT examples are used to teach Christians. Lot, Jeremiah, Shulammite maiden, Moses, David. Hard to believe after the Memorial was supposed to stress a relationship with Christ. The 144,000, anointed, remnant, faith and discreet slave class is what is really discussed and the JW's relationship with them.

    The WTS addresses the areas they feel are drawing away members:

    Greed in business
    Marrying outside the organization: specifically dating on the Internet
    Too much concern about health matters


    Paragraphs 1,2--(a) What does Lot's experience in Sodom teach us? (b) What does the expression "keep your senses" mean?

    1) When Abraham offered Lot the first choice of the land, Lot's eyes were drawn to a well-watered region that was "like the garden of Jehovah." It must have seemed to be the perfect place to settle his family, since "Lot chose for himself the whole District of the Jordan" and set up camp near Sodom. However, outward appearances were deceptive, for nearby "the men of Sodomm [who] were bad and were gross sinners agains Jehovah." (Genesis 13:7-13) As events unfolded, Lot and his family suffered terrible losses. Eventually, he and his daughters were reduced to living in a cave. (Genesis 19:17,23-26,30) What had looked so good to him at the outset turned out to be just the opposite.

    OT example: Lot and his family

    Is this gross sin consensual homosexual sex or homosexual rape?

    (Genesis 19:4-5) 4 Before they could lie down, the men of the city, the men of Sod´om, surrounded the house, from boy to old man, all the people in one mob. 5 And they kept calling out to Lot and saying to him: "Where are the men who came in to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have intercourse with them."

    Why does the WTS leave out:

    1) Lot's offering his daughters to be raped by the crowd outside

    (Genesis 19:6-8) 6 Finally Lot went out to them to the entrance, but he shut the door behind him. 7 Then he said: "Please, my brothers, do not act badly. 8 Please, here I have two daughters who have never had intercourse with a man. Please, let me bring them out to YOU. Then do to them as is good in YOUR eyes. Only to these men do not do a thing, because that is why they have come under the shadow of my roof."

    Notice how the WTS rewrites the Bible:

    *** w04 1/15 p. 27 Highlights From the Book of Genesis-II ***

    By the time he offered his daughters, Lot likely realized that his guests were messengers from God, and he may have reasoned that God could protect his daughters as He had protected his aunt Sarah in Egypt.

    2) Lot's daughters getting their father drunk, each having sex with him once, and somehow both getting pregnant

    (Genesis 19:31-38) 31 And the firstborn proceeded to say to the younger woman: "Our father is old and there is not a man in the land to have relations with us according to the way of the whole earth. 32 Come, let us give our father wine to drink and let us lie down with him and preserve offspring from our father." 33 So they kept giving their father wine to drink during that night; then the firstborn went in and lay down with her father, but he did not know when she lay down and when she got up. 34 And it came about on the next day that the firstborn then said to the younger: "Here I lay down with my father last night. Let us give him wine to drink tonight also. Then you go in, lie down with him, and let us preserve offspring from our father." 35 So they repeatedly gave their father wine to drink during that night also; then the younger got up and lay down with him, but he did not know when she lay down and when she got up. 36 And both the daughters of Lot became pregnant from their father. 37 In time the firstborn became mother to a son and called his name Mo´ab. He is the father of Mo´ab, to this day. 38 As for the younger, she too gave birth to a son and then called his name Ben-am´mi. He is the father of the sons of Am´mon, to this day.

    And again the WTS rewrites the Bible:

    *** w72 5/15 p. 319 Questions from Readers ***

    It should also be remembered that Lot's daughters had resided among the morally debased inhabitants of Sodom. In view of these factors, it would not have been difficult for them to justify their course of action in their own minds.

    2) The account of what befell Lot provides a lesson for servants of God today. When we face decisions, we must be alert to possible dangers and guard against being deceived by first impressions. It is fitting, then, that God's Word urges us: "Keep your senses completely." (1 Peter 1:13) The Greek word here rendered "keep your senses" literally means "be sober." According to Bible scholar R.C.H. Lenski, that soberness is "a calm, steady state of mind which weights and estimates things aright and thus enables us to make the right decision." Let us consider some situations that call for us to be sober-minded.

    What is the Greek word rendered "keep your senses?" Is the WTS afraid to have the WT reader tackle the pronunciation?

    nepho {nay'-fo}

    And who is Bible scholar R.C.H. Lenski, what are his credentials that a JW should listen to a non-JW? What is the source of the material?

    R.C.H. Lenski was born in Germany in 1864 and came to America in 1873. He served from 1911 until his death in 1936 at the Ohio Synod's (after 1930 ALC's) Capital University and its theology department.

    Weighing a Business Opportunity

    Q3) Why is there a need for caution if we are approached with a business opportunity?

    3) Suppose you are offered a business opportunity by a respected person, perhaps a fellow worshipper of Jehovah. He is enthusiastic about the prospects for success and encourages you to act quickly so as not to miss out. You may begin to envision a better life for you and your family, perhaps evening reasoning that this would enable you to devote more time to spiritual pursuits. However, Proverbs 14:15 cautions: "Anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps." In the excitement that often accompanies starting a new business, risks may be underestimated, dangers overlooked, and the uncertainties of being in business not fully considered. (James 4:13,14) In such a situation, how necessary it would be to keep your senses completely!
    . .
    Christians or fellow worshippers of Jehovah?

    Respected person, perhaps a fellow worshipper of Jehovah

    Can a non JW be a respected person?

    Reasoning that this would enable you to devote more time to spiritual pursuits

    This is an old caution, and old topic but doesn't seem to get the brothers to stop from getting rich quick.

    *** w03 12/15 p. 23 Prove Yourself Ready for Jehovah's Day ***

    Others have been enticed by get-rich-quick schemes and risky financial investments.

    *** w97 3/15 p. 19 Let Discernment Safeguard You ***

    Even well-meaning Christians have shared information about seemingly profitable ventures, only to find that they and those following their example lost the money they invested. As a result, a number of Christians have lost privileges in the congregation. When get-rich-quick ventures prove to be fraudulent schemes, the only one to profit is the defrauder, who often promptly disappears.

    *** w87 9/15 p. 17 Keep Submitting to "the Spirit That Is Life-Giving" ***

    Are you intrigued by get-rich-quick schemes, wanting to get involved in them? This world's "air" is filled with selfish desire for wealth and cheating as regards the paying of government-imposed taxes. In this atmosphere gambling and similar activities flourish. Do not be tempted

    *** w84 7/1 p. 26 Greed Can Be Deadly ***

    Beware of Get-Rich-Quick Schemes

    A Christian who quickly sees the danger of getting involved in a worldly get-rich-quick scheme could drop his guard when the scheme involves fellow believers and be hoodwinked by this reasoning: 'Of course, this business deal is different; it comes from fellow Christians, and I could use the extra money. I'm sure they would not get involved in some risky business and endanger the investment of their fellow believers. Besides, this will give me more time for spiritual matters. I might even be able to pioneer.' Be careful! "The heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate," warns the Bible. That includes your heart too. Greed may blind us, so that we follow a risky course or take advantage of our brothers to accomplish selfish ends. We should sincerely examine our motives in the light of God's Word.-Jeremiah 17:9, 10.

    Q4) How can we 'consider our steps' when evaluating a business proposal?

    4) A prudent person carefull examines a business proposal before making a decision (Proverbs 21:5) Such an examiniation often revelas hidden dangers. Consider the following scenario" A person is seeking to borrow money in connection with his business plans and offers you a large profit if you lend him funds. The offer may sound tempting but what are the risks? Does the borrower agree to repay the money regardless of how the business fares, or does repayment depend on the success of the business? In order words, could you lose your money if the business fails? You might also ask: "Why is money being sought from the individuals? Do banks view the venture as too risky? Taking time to consider the risks will help you to evaluate the proposal realistically.--Proverbs 13:16;22:3.

    Hidden dangers

    Like dishonest brothers talking advantage of your religious relationship. As one JW said, just because they are good JWs doesn't mean they are good business people.

    Does the borrower agree to repay the money regardless of how the business fares?

    Why is he borrowing from you and not a bank? Why won't the banks give him a loan?

    Q5) a) What wise step did Jeremian take when he bought a field? (b) Why is it beneficial to document all business arrangements in a formal written agreement?

    5) When the prophet Jeremiah bought a field from his cousin, who was a fellow worshipper of Jehovah, he made a written record of the transaction before witnesses. (Jeremiah 32:9-12) A wise person today will make sure that all business arrangements he enteres, including those with relatives and fellow believers, are documented in a formal written agreement. (*For more information on written business agreements, see The Wtachtower, August 1, 1997, pages 30-31; November 15, 1986, pages 16-71; and Awake, February 8, 1983, pages 13-15, published by Jehovah's Witnesses.) Having a clear, well-prepared written agreement helps to prevent minsunderstandings and preserve unity. On the other hand, failure to have a written agreement is often a contribution factor when business problems arise between servants of Jehovah. Sadly, such problems can result in heartache, bitterness, and even loss of spirituality.

    OT example (2) Jeremiah

    Fellowshipper of Jehovah (Israelite---no Christians yet)

    Who does a JW go to to write up these agreements...another JW or a professionl business lawyer?

    When a problem arises who handles the judging on these cases, non-JW courts who are qualified, or elders who don't know squat.

    And if a "fellow worshipper" ripped you off...can you sue for damages?

    *** w97 3/15 p. 21 Let Discernment Safeguard You ***

    Yet, what if a professing Christian actually defrauded us? Discernment can safeguard us from taking action that may put the congregation in a bad light. Paul advised fellow Christians to let themselves be wronged and even defrauded instead of taking a brother to court.-1 Corinthians 6:7.

    Q6) Why do we need to guard against greed?

    6) We must also guard against greed. (Luke 12:15) The promise of huge profits can blind one to the risks of an unsound business venture. Even some who have enjoyed fine privileges in Jehovah's service have become entangled in this snare. God's Word cautions us: "Let your manner of life be free of the love of money, while you are content with the present things." (Hebrews 13:5) When contemplating a business opportunity, a Christian could consider, 'Is is really necessary to get involved? Leading a simple life centered on your worship of Jehovah will protect us from "all sorts of injurious things."--1 Timothy 6:6-10.

    Yes, EVEN elders have gotten greedy. A thread on JWD as to the fancy cars they drive illustrates that.

    Is it really necessary to involve? As long as the WTS gets taking the generous donations of members such as Michael Jackson, the tennis sisters, and now Prince, how can they recommend simple lives to others?

    Challenges Facing Single Christians

    7Q) (a) What challenges do many single Christians face? (b) How does our choice of a marriage mate involve loyalty to God?

    7) Many servants of Jehovah long to be married, but have not yet found a suitable mate. In some lands, there is strong social pressure to marry. Yet, opportunities to meet a potential mate among fellow believers may be few. (Proverbs 13:12) Christians recognize though, that heading the Biblical injuction to marry "only in the Loard" is a matter of loyalty Jehovah (1 Cornithians 7:39) To stand firm against the pressures and temptations tht they face, single Christians must keep their senses completely.

    Servants of Jehovah....Christians (only JWs)...Christians

    The WTS is wise to stay with the NT injuction regarding marry fellow believers...but then are other Christians outside the WTS nonbelievers?

    Were the Israelites barred completely from marry non-Israelites?

    (Deuteronomy 21:10-13) 10 "In case you go out to the battle against your enemies and Jehovah your God has given them into your hand and you have carried them away captive; 11 and you have seen among the captives a woman beautiful in form, and you have got attached to her and taken her for your wife, 12 you must then bring her into the midst of your house. She must now shave her head and attend to her nails, 13 and remove the mantle of her captivity from off her and dwell in your house and weep for her father and her mother a whole lunar month; and after that you should have relations with her, and you must take possession of her as your bride, and she must become your wife. . .

    The WTS considers everyone not a JW an UNBELIEVER, not in the Lord.

    Q8) What pressure did a Shulammite girl come under, and how might Christian women today face a similar challenge?

    8) In the Song of Solomon, a simple country girl called the Shulammite attracts the attention of the king. He woos her with an impressive display of wealth, prestige, and charm, although she is already in love with a young man. Song of Solomon 1:9-11, 3:7-10; 6:8-10,13) If you are a Christian woman, you too may find yourself the object of someone's unwanted attention. A person at your place of employment, perhaps someone in a position of authority, may begin to pay you compliments, do you favors, and seek opportunities to be with you. Be wary of such flattering attention. Although such a person's intentions are not always romantic or immoral, oftentimes they are. Like the Shulammite maiden, be "a wall." (Song of Solomon 8:4,10) Firmly reject unwated advances. Make it known to your workmates from the very state that you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and take every opportunity to witness to them. That will serve as a protection for you.

    Another OT example

    The assumption is made that only women will have "passes" made at work and that it is only single JWs that need to be on guard. I have known of many married JWs who ran off with a workmate.

    Yes, tell everyone you are a JW and that your morals are better than theirs. Witness to the at every opportunity and find yoursel hauled into human resources and told to shut up.

    Q9) What are some dangers of entering into a relationship with a stranger on the Internet? (See also the box on page 25.)

    9) Internet Web Sites designed to help single individuals find a marriage partner are becoming popular. Some view these as a way to get to know people whom they would not otherwise meet. However, blindly entering into a relationship with a stranger involves real dangers. On the Internet, it can be difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. (Psalm 26:4) Not everyoone who claims to be a servant of Jehovah really is. Moever, with online dating, a strong attachment can develop quickly, and that can distort one's judgment (Proverbs 28:26) Whether viat the Internet or by some other means, it is unwise to cultivate a close relationship with a person whom one knows very little about.--1 Corinthians 15:33.

    Here are 2 of the largest JW datings'd think the WTS would have shut them down like they have the ex-JW sites?

    On the Internet...difficult to distinguish fact from fiction

    At the KH and in the WTS too!

    Not every who claims to be a servant of Jehovah really the KH too!

    Box on page 25

    The following disclaimers appear on Web sites for singles:

    "Even with our best efforts, there is no guarantee of an individual's true identity."
    "We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information on the service."
    "Opinions, advice, statements, offiers, or other information or cotent made available throught [this][ service are those of their respective authors...and should not necessarily be relied upon."

    Don't trust the elders. I know a sister who called the elders in a congregation a brother she met online. The elders said he was a great catch...leaving out the part that he was a convicted pedophile. She went home but another JW sister met him and they married and divorced 2 years later.

    Q10) How can single Christians be encouraged by fellow believers?

    10) Jehovah "is very tender in affection" for his servants. (James 5:11) He knows that the challenges facing Christians who are involuntarily single are at times disheartening and he treasures their loyalty. How can others encourage them? We could regularly commend them for their obedience and self-sacrificing spirit. (Judges 11:39,40) We can also include them in arrangements for upbuilding associations. Have you done that recently? Morever, we can pray for them, ask Jehovah to help them keep their spiritual balance and find joy in serving him. By our sincere interest, may we should that we appreciate these loyal ones as Jehovah does.--Psalm 37:28.

    His servants--only JWs

    Christians--only JWs, only JW women

    Regularly commend them--single women do you remember that being done?
    Include them in arrangments--the married sisters didn't want desperate single sisters socializing with their husbands!

    Pray for them.........pray that your husband doesn't get itchy feet and run off with one of them.

    appreciate Jehovah does--where's Jesus?

    Q11) What challenges do serious health problems present?

    11) How distressing it is when we or a loved one faces SERIOUS health problems. (Isaiah 38:1-3) While we seek to find effective treatment, it is vital that we adhere to Scriptural principles. For example, Christians are careful to obey the Bible's command to abstain from blood, and they avoid any diagnostic or therapeutic pprocedure that involves spiritism. (Acts15:29,29; Galatians 5:;19-21) For those without medical training, however, evaluating treatment options can be perplexing and intimidating. What can help us to keep our senses completely?

    Christians--only JWs

    Abstain from blood

    But not from blood components; hemoglobin (red cell fractons), white blood fractions, plasma fractions, wound healing fractions (97% of the blood)

    Yes, the craze now with JWs is magnets and magnetistic cures.

    Q12) How can a Christian keep his balance when considering treatment options?

    12) "The shrewd one considers his steps" by doing research in the Bible and Christian publications . (Provergs 14:15) In parts of the earth where doctors and hospitals are few, traditional medicine, which make use of herbal remedies, may be the only treatment available. If we are considering such treatment, we can find helpful information in the April 15, 1987, issue of the Watchtower, pages 26-9. It alerts us to potential dangers. For example, we may need to find out the following: Is the traditional healer known to practice spiritism? Is the treatment based on the belief that sickness and death are caused either by offended gods (or ancestral spirits) or enemies who employ witchcraft? Are sacrifices, incantations, or other spiritistic rituals employed in the preparation or use of the medicine" (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) Such research will help us to heed the inspired counsel: "Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine."* (1 Thessalonians 5:21) It will help us to keep our balance. (*This approach will likewise benefit those who are considering controversial alternative forms of treating some ailment.)

    Traditional medicine...alternative form


    Christian publications--WT publications

    Is the WTS acting as doctors?

    Q13, 14) (a) How can we demonstrate reasonableness in carying for our physical health? (b) Why is reasonableness needed when we discuss health and medical matters with others?

    13) Reasonable is needed in all areas of life, including the care of our physical health. (Phillippians 4:5) giving balanced attention to our health shows appreciation for the precious gift of life. When we face health problems, these rightly demand our attention. HOWEVER, perfect health will not be attainable until God's time arrives for "the curring of the nations." (Revelation 22:1,2) We must guard against becoming so preoccupied with physical health that our more important spiritual needs get pushed aside.--Matthew 5:3; Philippians 1:;10.

    Reasonable by whose judgment? Is this giving the WTS and their representives the authority to tell the rank and file that their illness is not that serious, not that debilitating.

    You can go out in service; Sister Dying has terminal cancer and she is getting in 30 hours a month.

    I know you say you are vomiting non-stop, Sister Severe Cancer, but couldn't you come to the meeting and vomit with us?

    I know Brother Asthmatic, that you can't go outside, but Sister Can't Breathe does allt he time and she's auxiliary pioneering this month.

    (Sounds like don't get those teeth fixed, brother, the end is just around the corner from 1975.)

    14) We also need to show balance and reasonableness when discussing health and medical matters with others. These topics should not dominate our conversations when we gather for spiritual fellowship at Christian meetings and assemblies. Furtherfore, medical decisions often involved Bible principles, a person's conscience, and his relationship with Jehovah (not Jesus?). Thereofre, it would be unloving to impose our views on a fellow believer or pressure him to ignore the dictates of his conscience. While mature ones in the congregation may be consulted for assistance, each Christian must "carry his own load" of responsibility for making decisions, and "each of us will render an account for himself to God."--Galatians 6:5; Romans 14:12,22,23).

    health and medical matters...should not dominate our conversations when we gather for spiritual fellowship

    Duh, you have a serious, chronic illness, perhaps a deadly one and it can't "dominate" your conversation with your friends, your support group????? Can you only talk about it with each other at home or on the phone?

    Unloving to impose our views...while mature ones in the congregation may be consulted for assistance

    Then why does the HLC and/or the elders show up even unasked at the hospital to make sure you make the right choice?

    If it is your own choice, why is taking a blood transfusion an automatic choice to disassociate yourself from the congregation?

    And why is that a hidden rule told only verbally to the elder body by the CO, without even a BOE (body of elders) letter from the WTS for their file?

    When We Are Under Stress

    Q15) How can stressful circumstances present a challenge?

    15) Stressful circumstances can cause even loyal servants of Jehovah to speak or act unwisely. (Ecclesiastes 7:7) When under severe trial, Job became somewhat unbalanced and had to have this thinking corrected. (Job 35:2,3; 40:6-8) Although "Moses was by far the meekest of all the men who ere upon the surface of the ground," onone occasion he became provoked and spoke rashly. (Numbers 12:3; 20:7-12; Psalm 106:32,33) David had show admirable self-control in not strking down KIng Saul, but when Nabal insulted him and screamed abuses at his men, David became infuriated and lost his good judgment. Only when Abigal intervened did he regain his senses, narrowly avoiding a calamitous mistake.--1 Samuel 24:2-7; 25:9-13,32,33.

    Notice only OT examples: Job, Moses, King Saul, David, Nabal, Abigail?

    No angry examples of Christians under stress in the NT?

    I do believe that the elders are fighting with each other more than usual.

    loyal servants of Jehovah--only JWs

    Q16) What can help us to avoid acting rashly?

    16) We too may face stressful situations that could rob us of our good judgment. Carefully weighing the viewpoints of others, as David did, can help us to avoid acting rashly and hastening into sin. (Proverbs 19:2) Further, God's Word admonishes us: "Be agitated, but do not sin. Have your say in your heeart, upon your bed, and keep silent." (Psalm 4:4) Where possible, it is wise to wait until we are calm before taking action or making decisions. (Proverbs 14:17,29) We can turn to Jehovah in fervent prayer, "and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard [our] hearts and [our] mental powers by means of Christ Jesus." (Phillipians 4:6,7) This God-given calmness will stabilize us and help us to keep our senses completely.

    Carefully weighing the viewpoints of others

    Others---Abigail--a lowly woman? Will the elders listen to a woman?

    *** w95 7/15 p. 20 Christian Women Deserve Honor and Respect ***

    Wisely, the elders will give kind consideration to the voice of their Christian sisters. Thus, when a sister shows her regard for theocratic headship and respectfully asks a question or even points out something that requires attention, the elders will gladly give consideration to her question or problem.


    Q17) Why must we rely upon Jehovah to keep our senses completely?

    17) In spite of our best efforts to avoid dangers and act wisely, all of us make mistakes. (James 3:2) We could be about to take a ruinous false step and be completely unaware of it. (Psalm 19:12,13) More than that, as human creatures, we have neither the ability nor the right to direct our own step apart from Jehovah. (Jeremiah 10:23) How grateful we are that he assures us: "I shall make you have insight and instruct you in the way you should go. I will give advice with my eye upon you." (Psalm 32:8) Yes, with Jehovah's help, we can keep our senses completely.

    All of us make mistakes

    But did I make the mistake of telling JWs from 1967 to 1980 that having an organ transplant was against God's law and disfellowship people who had one; what about JWs who died refusing one during that time. Too bad they didn't live until 1980 when the WTS reversed itself and made it a personal decision, a matter of conscience.

    *** g72 7/8 p. 28 "Keep Abstaining from . . . Blood" ***

    One surgeon, who transplanted twenty-two hearts, had every last one of his patients die. And while he dismissed the entire matter as "a procedure which we tried and-for the time being-discarded," the patients were not able to be so casual about it. And here again, it might be noted, that the stand of the Christian witnesses of Jehovah-that such transplants are in effect a form of cannibalism-proved a safeguard.

    *** w67 11/15 p. 702 Questions from Readers ***

    When there is a diseased or defective organ, the usual way health is restored is by taking in nutrients. The body uses the food eaten to repair or heal the organ, gradually replacing the cells. When men of science conclude that this normal process will no longer work and they suggest removing the organ and replacing it directly with an organ from another human, this is simply a shortcut. Those who submit to such operations are thus living off the flesh of another human. That is cannibalistic. However, in allowing man to eat animal flesh Jehovah God did not grant permission for humans to try to perpetuate their lives by cannibalistically taking into their bodies human flesh, whether chewed or in the form of whole organs or body parts taken from others.
    What should be done, though, when a Christian is asked to provide an organ for use in another person or to allow the body part of a deceased loved one to be so used? We might ask, If a Christian decided personally that he would not sustain his own life with the flesh of another imperfect human, could he conscientiously allow part of his flesh to be used in that way to sustain someone else?

    But in 1980

    *** w80 3/15 p. 31 Questions from Readers ***

    Some Christians might feel that taking into their bodies any tissue or body part from another human is cannibalistic. They might hold that the transplanted human material is intended to become part of the recipient's body to keep him alive and functioning. They might not see it as fundamentally different from consuming flesh through the mouth.

    "Some Christians" or the WTS?

    And the WTS rescinds the disfellowshipping clause:

    *** w80 3/15 p. 31 Questions from Readers ***

    The congregation judicial committee would not take disciplinary action if someone accepted an organ transplant.

    With Jehovah's help--where's Jesus

    Concluding Comments

    1) Greedy witnesses out for a quick buck
    2) Lonely JWs looking for a spouse
    3) Talking too much about your health problems
    4) Fighting elders

    The sun is shining here; the kiddies in the area are looking for Easter eggs and ham is in the refrigerators of many people. It is in the middle of the Passover time when Jews don't let leaven into the house and are eating sandwiches made with unleavened bread. Greek Orthodox still have a month to go...on a different calendar. Those who went to the memorial, how was the attendance. If it is the only meeting you attend, is your family treating you better? Or is it conditional; do you have to go to more meetings now, have a bible study with some "mature" JW?

    Love, Blondie

    How Would You Answer?

    How can we keep our senses
    If offered a business opportunity?
    when seeking a marriage mate?
    when facing health problems?
    when under stress?

  • garybuss

    14 is interesting.

  • Pistoff
    Wisely, the elders will give kind consideration to the voice of their Christian sisters. Thus, when a sister shows her regard for theocratic headship and respectfully asks a question or even points out something that requires attention, the elders will gladly give consideration to her question or problem.

    UNLESS that husband is raping her children; then they will tell her to be a better wife, that maybe she misunderstood the circumstances.

    GET REAL. Elders do NOT take women seriously.

    SAD FACT: 50% of the BEST brains in the org are underappreciated and ignored. If women were elders, do you think rape and child sex abuse would be swept under the rug?

    I don't think so, even with the society's constant micromanaging of the JC's.

    Good work blondie; it's better every week.

    Notice the qualifiers in the above box: IF she respects headship, and IF she RESPECTFULLY asks a question. Wow; must not disrespect the elders, I guess, or you will be IGNORED.

    Elders; the true Pharisees of our day.

  • xjwms

    Thanks again for a great job

    buzz words all over the place.

  • Blueblades

    Hey lurkers, let us know how the Watchtower Study went. I have not seen any serious rebuttal's to Blondie's "Comments You Will Not Hear". Are you tired of hearing the same old lets spank the rank and file again this week, also we need to remind the sisters to watch how they treat the guys err elders. Now don't go and run off and start a business, keep working for the G.B. good ole boys. Make sure you don't have a roving eye for the guys and girls. Watch that Wine, look what happened to Lot! Watch out for the Bunny Rabbit!

    Blondie good comments as usual. Just thought I'd make some for the lurkers.


  • jgnat

    Interesting timing. Didn't we just hear of the two former elders denied probation for conning a wealthy senior out of her life-savings?

    As usual, the article puts the onus on congregation members to protect themselves. Never, never would the society admit that the heirarchal, secretive nature of the society (which brooks no dissention) is a protective environment for bullies and con-men.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Thank you Blondie!!

    We REALLY appreciate all the time and energy you put into posting this for all of us!


    Lady Liberty

  • serendipity

    health and medical matters...should not dominate our conversations when we gather for spiritual
    This comment was made at a DC a few years back and made me really angry, because we had just had two cases of cancer in our family and we talked about their health a lot. The desire for control is really getting out of hand.

  • hamsterbait

    Blondie - You are soooh great.

    This one has really gone to the heart of all the issues in my life, and my family.

    I printed it all out.



  • Elsewhere

    2) Lot's daughters getting their father drunk, each having sex with him once, and somehow both getting pregnant
    As everyone knows, Hebrew men can get the job done the FIRST time.

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