What Can't You Stand About Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    When they call each other brother or sister since I know that this is hypocritical, and when they keep going on about jehovah they are his ppl, honour and glorify hs name, must not bring him reproach etc while they rarely ever talk about Christ. And they call themselves Christians.

    The immediate head of the church is the Christ but what do they know about the church? They are jehovah's organisation.

  • PoppyR
    This kind of thread always makes me feel a bit uncomfortable, I mean we were all there once. I'm not making a big deal out of it and I do actually agree with the quotes above but in fairness that does imply that most of us here were also duplicitous, intolerant smug etc...

    Most JW's are victims.

    I have to agree, this kind of things makes me uncomfortable too. I regular pioneered for years, and would consciously leave my car somewhere and walk 3 miles to a call that I knew was not going to be in to count time.. A CO once told me that if we tried to run a business (ie cold calling) the way witnesses do door to door work, two at a time, ages at each door, going when they know people aren't going to be there etc. It would go under within weeks!

    I did it to be obedient, always hated the door to door work, and now just feel sorry for those still in, but I cant be high and mighty and better than them, because it just makes me the same as them!

    Poppy x

  • minimus

    Since the Watchtower Society IS a business, don't you think they know that that the "preaching work" is a sham?

  • moanzy

    There stupid and brainless advice about raising kids!!!!


  • minimus

    Over the years, much of their (mandatory) advice was stupid. Their Golden Age magazines that spouted ridiculous health remedies was certainly not coming from God. Telling grown Christian marriage mates EXACTLY what they could do or not do was stupid. Telling these mates at various times that they shouldn't have kids is despicable or that marriage is unadvisable and smacks of immaturity......and we can go on and on and on.....

  • limbogirl

    Probably easier for me to answer what I do like about Jehovah's Witnesses. Anyway, I agree with the other posters about the smug superior attitudes. once during dinner at my ex-in-laws, my mil made some crazy remark about mormons being dishonest...I was still a jw at the time but thought the remark was just over the top and said, 'well, not all mormons are that way.' she put down her fork and screamed (yes, SCREAMED) at me that ALL mormons are dishonest. hmmmm...Funny...am I doing the same here? There are many things about jws that I don't like but of course, not all of them are that way.

  • minimus

    To belong to the religion you must believe that you are really better than the "worldly" person. Don't you see that just by thinking (down) of a person as "worldly", we were exalting ourselves? And yes---we ALL did that.

  • jambon1
    Or is it the unhappy, jealous sisters who carve up the sisters in the congregation that are too well-liked, seem too happy, actually live a Christian life........making things up as they go....and the sisters who listen and pass it on. The sisters who tell lies to 2 people who are friends because they are jealous of their friendship.


    I saw this firsthand in our hall. It happened to my own family. The maliciousness of them had to be seen to be believed. They picked on some lovely people and looked for some faults like looking for a pretext to dislike/slander them for their popularity. It was sickening. All in very prominent positions too.

    These ones will never leave the `truth` and quite frankly they deserve it. The ones they pick on may eventually get fed up and go but it saddens me to see good people put up with so much crap and yet stick around because they know nothing else. And it goes on year after year.



  • Cabin in the woods
    Cabin in the woods


    It is the 144,000 that they believe that will live in heaven.

    Everyone else will live forever on earth and yes that includes the resurrected.


  • Tea4Two

    How they demonize everything if you do not agree with them.

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