What Can't You Stand About Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou
    They only care about showing that they are at doorsteps
    The way they laugh at or EVEN complain about those who hide when they come to the door.
    I hate their intolerance. That they feel superior to other people.
    Their smug attitudes make me sick.
    their slavish devotion to their organization

    This kind of thread always makes me feel a bit uncomfortable, I mean we were all there once. I'm not making a big deal out of it and I do actually agree with the quotes above but in fairness that does imply that most of us here were also duplicitous, intolerant smug etc...

    Most JW's are victims.

  • LaCatolica
    That they feel superior to other people.

    Yeah...I've felt that from them. Why is that? The swear up and down that they are so much better than anyone else and any other religion. It makes me so angry. They KNOW IT ALL, HAVE AN ANSWER TO EVERYTHING, TRY TO GIVE PROOF BY QUOTING VERSES FROM "THEIR" BIBLE (even when things have nothing to do with religion/God/Bible), AND CONTRADICTING OTHERS. I've experienced it all with my "new family"...

    I must be honest, though...I'VE NEVER OPENED MY DOOR TO A JW. I even had a sticker on my door that reads, "We're Catholic and very happy, THANK YOU" (Now, I'm married to one, go figure...bf never told me his family was) My sister once did and it was b/c she was deceived. The JW lady told her that she will see our deceased Grandpa again in "Paradise" and very soon! My sister was still vulvenarable and fell for it. Not very nice...since they then tell their followers that only 144,000 will be living in this Paradise...

  • blondie

    The lying, deception and misrepresentation and then the lying about lying, deceiving and misrepresenting.


  • minimus

    Nicolaou, I have no problem admitting I was smug too......Blondie, would you care to give examples??

  • love2Bworldly

    Nicolaou--I don't disagree with you. I used to be the smuggest of the smug, arrogant, and extremely judgemental of others. I was also an extremely unhappy person with low self-esteem and severe depression issues, maybe being arrogant gave me a false sense of superiority.

    I used to really get sick of the quotes from the scripture that talks about "God chose the lowly of the earth" or something along those lines. It was being fed from the platform constantly. It pretty much taught the JWs that they weren't good enough for anything.

  • merfi

    I will go along with "smug". A MS in my KH is constantly scoffing at 'unbelievers'. I can't think of any examples, but it happens a lot. I really really hate it when people put down other people. :(

  • blondie

    Sorry, min, it would take a book to compile tthem.

    The worst ones are the elders who lie about something they said and did when 5 people heard/saw them do it...............

    Or is it the unhappy, jealous sisters who carve up the sisters in the congregation that are too well-liked, seem too happy, actually live a Christian life........making things up as they go....and the sisters who listen and pass it on. The sisters who tell lies to 2 people who are friends because they are jealous of their friendship.


  • minimus

    Funny thing about when elders lie. The congregation is not stoopid. They can see when an elder is trying to protect himself by either being deceitful or outrightly contradicting the obvious truth. When that happens, the credibility of the entire elder body goes down.

  • LaCatolica

    I've just recently began to be around them. My mother-in-law for instance is very judgemental. I don't know if it has anything to do with the fact that she's JW, but she really is!!! My mother-in-law didn't come to our wedding (at the Justice of the Peace), b/c she had witnessing to do at the time. Her son was very hurt by this. I found this to be wrong. I think it was solely based on the fact that she was NOT happy that her son was marrying a Catholic, and failed to even see me as a person. As time went on, she constantly drilled me, asked me questions as if to see if I was a "good" person. She offended me on many occasions and the more she questioned me, the more she realized that I was not as bad as she thought I was. In fact, I may have changed her view of Catholics. She is hypocritical of people. She would meet someone and judge them, if she found out that person is JW, her whole attitude toward them changed and the love bombing began. She thought that since I was Catholic, I was not worthy and that only JW women were good enough and holy enough for her son. I have through my actions and my way of being that I may be better than some of the JW sisters she knows. In fact, I'm better than she is b/c I never judged her for being JW, I see her as a woman and respect her for being my mother-in-law. I have NEVER offended her to her face or disrespected her in any way...She's a very helpful person and is underneath it all very nice. She's been there for me and we have great times together. I wanted her to see me for me. I also wanted her true self to come out and not what the WTS taught her to be.

    She has open her mind up a bit since she's met me...this is what my husband tells me. I'm glad that I've made a difference in her b/c every bit helps...and not b/c I'm of a different religion, b/c that has NOTHING to do with it. Unlike her, I don't discriminate anyone based on their religious beliefs b/c I don't expect that to be done to me (Golden Rule).

  • looking_glass

    The self righteousness is pretty annoying. Even when the person is not doing what the WTBTS says they should be doing. A friend of mine went to the Memorial and she got her arse chewed out by a chick she use to be (keep in mind use to be) friends with because my girl friend was not an active JW anymore. All the while the active JW chick and her hubby are separated, soon to be divorced. Hmmm, I thought JWs still claimed that Jah hated a divorcing. What's the deal. Well this active JW chick will soon find out what it is like to be shunned over some stupid rule that people put in place to make others feel like crap over. Good luck to her. Like my girl friend said, oh how hard those high and mighty ones fall when they come crashing down upon their self righteous rhetoric

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