Ever go back to a meeting "just for fun"?

by WLG 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • WLG

    Thinking about going Sunday...just to see it once with my "new eyes".

    What do you think?

  • TresHappy

    I'd rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty fork than go back to a meeting!

  • lilybird

    ummmm.. depends on your defintion of "fun".. If you go..better take a barf bag...

  • WLG

    I don;t know anyone here, I was thinking of going as an "Interested one" and asking "hard" questions?

  • blondie

    I would suggest going to a congregation where no one knows you or that you were ever a JW and see how they treat you.

    I would have to travel 800 miles away to do that.

    You aren't a masochist, are you?


  • unclebruce

    I went to the year 2000 District Assembly at Sydney Super Dome just to placate a poster on h20. I found myself swearing out loud at my ol' pal Alan Wood as he went into his usual rage against oral sex (good thing I was up the back surrounded by empty seats). It was good to see the way things had changed in foureen years .. the brown suits had turned to black and everyone bought sandwiches and thermos of tea.


    EDIT: It was even more boring knowing that everything being said was bunkum (I certainly couldn't sing the songs).

  • Robdar

    Athanasius (from the forum) and I went to the KH a couple of years ago. He wore a cross lapel and I wore a very short skirt. It was dreadfully fun focking with the jws. I got love bombed and that sucked but other than that, it was a good time.

  • mrsjones5

    Hm I might go once to the hall in my town if my mother agrees to going once to my church but we all know that aint going to happen.


  • luna2

    If you do it, WLG, let us know how it goes. If I had someone to go with maybe I'd do it. It might be kinda fun...I'd skip the Watchtower study, though. Just too boring and pointless.

  • unclebruce
    ...If I had someone to go with maybe I'd do it. ...

    I'd go with ya! bloody tyrany of distance .. how come you're so far away?

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