Dressing for Jesus or the friends at the Memorial?

by truthseeker 17 Replies latest jw friends


    If you think the Memorial is over the top, then you need to go to a black church. Those ladies get "dressed" for church. I wonder this is the same at predominately black King-dumb Hells?

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    I wore a simple cotton skirt and a sweater, with slingback heels and *GASP* no nylons!!!! I think I looked good, modestly dressed or whatever, but I wasn't in my "Sunday Best" and I could see people taking notice.

    Get a life!!!!

    We used to dress up in formal wear (that we had gotten clearance off the rack after prom) to weddings. I know I've seen people in prom dresses at conventions. It's all so weird.

  • PoppyR

    I'm wondering if this is a US phenomenon? Here in the UK people certainly put on their very smart clothes, but it's generally quite sober, a lot of black and navy blue etc. And I've never seen anyone in a long dress or a hat at a memorial!

    The flowers are really over the top though! Wonder what visitors think sometimes.

  • limbogirl

    OMG!! a prom dress at a convention?!?! that's crazy! hard enough just sitting through one of those things in a regular dress....can't even imagine how someone would manage the stairs and the cramped seating in a prom dress!

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Well they looked ridiculous, as you can imagine, limbogirl. I'm proud to say I never did that.

  • serendipity

    When I was growing up, I always got a new dress at the Memorial and one for the DC. For a lot of JWs, it was a holdover from their pre-JW days when they would get Easter dresses.

    When I actually tally up the cost of the clothes, I get sick. It's enough to feed children in a third world country for a day.

    I just wear the clothes I used to wear to work before we switched to business casual.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    sometimes I forget that us here are from all over the world ...

    in my area of the world ... the girls wear short and tight dresses, it was a very memorial event Actually we had a few brookes at our hall.

  • blondie

    I can say this too about the conventions/assemblies, many young sisters were looking for mates and this was the best place to be seen. It would make sense that they would dress to attract.

    I don't have any qualms about people dressing nice if they can afford it. I never think when I buy something new that children are starving somewhere. Many people don't. Beggaring yourself won't do any good but donating to effective charities that do feed the hungry will.

    It bothers me more when people who claim to be the only true Christians on earth, shun family members, gossip and lie about "fellow" Christians, and are positive that the rest of the world are sinners that will soon die.


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