If you went to the Memorial, what was the attendance like?

by truthseeker 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    I had a thought on these Memorial numbers - lets say the "average" KH pulled in 175 attendees...lets also say we can believe their approx 16,000,000 world wide. This would result in 16,000,000 / 175 ceremonies enacted. This makes about 91,428 or so KHs having the memorial.

    Now, if we also believe about 8500 partakers is true: 91,428 - 8500 = 82,928 (approx) memorial congregations which could not have an "annointed" present. There could even be more, if many congregations had multiple "annointed" members (most certainly some Bethel congregations could).

    So, the point being: In the vast majority of congregations, many of the younger witnesses could be in the position of never having known an annointed person or seeing anyone partake of the emblems. This would probably be most common in third world countries where there is not a history running back into the 1920 - 1930 time frame.

    So, is it possible that the "annointed partaker" is already in the realm of myth for most JWs today? Or, is it alternatively possible that there are actually quite a lot more than 8500 who physically partake - with the numbers being doctored to avoid an obvious upswing in the yearbook report? The latter would certainly be the case if even one out of every three or four halls had a partaker or two...


  • Oroborus21

    not myth but perhaps legend .........

    in my 35 years i've only known 1 person who claimed to be of the anointed...but never saw her partake........i have never saw anyone partake at the 3 congs that i have been associated with ---ed

  • Poztate

    It was about the same this year as every other year.Pubs=100 Memorial=142

    Our town has doubled in size in the last 25 year but the numbers are about the same.

    A LOT of people are OLD.I expect to see downsizing in the next few years.

  • Joker10

    2 Congregations in a school auditorium: 419 in attendance.

    I hear that near Glendale, CA, 7 Congregations gathered and upwards of 1,300 showed up at the Memorial.

  • bonnzo

    one cong. with about 80 pubs....memorial attendance 160....forty less than last year.

  • looking_glass

    Although I bought the bread and the wine for my own passover, which is what I normally do, I felt like going to the hall. I had not been in years and all these convos on this site made me wonder. So I went. I went to the first seating and it was E M P T Y. I know I have not been in years, but I also remember it being packed to the gills with people having to sit in chairs that were set up in the back area. I was surprised at how sparse it was. The funniest thing was the brother that prayed over the bread said in his prayer - we love you Jah from "head to toe" and it made me laugh. I wondered if he was going to get counseled considering the string that discussed the dumb things people had been counseled over. The bro that said the prayer over the wine, mumbled and I could not understand him, so I refused to say "amen" how do I know what I am agreeing to ... no way. They said that last year the partakers were 8,524, wasn't there a guy on this site looking for that number?

  • serendipity

    I think we had about the same as last year, double the number of publishers 240 in attendance/120 publishers.

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