by DannyHaszard 55 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • DannyHaszard

    http://forum.moscowtimes.ru/viewforum.php?f=1 Danny has a thread up at Moscow times forum see how long it last easy register join in Police Target Jehovah's Witnesses
    The Moscow Times, Russia - 1 hour ago
    Several dozen police officers broke up a prayer meeting of about 200 Jehovah's Witnesses in southeastern Moscow and briefly detained 14 worshipers [email protected] letter to editor [email protected] reporter covering above story [email protected] Moscow times reader rep

  • greendawn

    They are a destructive cult and this is precisely the kind of treatment they deserve and I can'r see why anyone feels sorry for them. They do indeed destroy families, and lives with their blood policy.

    In France they suffered similar sanctions for the same reasons, they are not recognized as a religion but a cult.

  • Pole

    :In France they suffered similar sanctions for the same reasons, they are not recognized as a religion but a cult.

    I never heard about armed French policemen interrupting a meeting of witnesses. Besides, in France this sort of "they're a cult" reasoning if it was used sounded more credible than in does Russia (although from what I know in France there was an underlying taxation issue) .

    I'm repeating myself, but we shouldn't forget this ban is only effective in Moscow, probably because it was instigated by the Moscow Orthodox Church officials. Catholics also get discriminated and persecuted in Russia. In fact they're even having problems with inviting the Pope to visit them. The Russian government does not give a shite about the witnoids and their desctructive effect on society. They would not have come up with this anti-cult action if they were not doing a favour to the Orthodox Church in Moscow.

    I honestly think the best way of fighting the WTS is by exposing its loony doctrines - revealing the truth about the truth. Arresting a bunch of dubs does nothing to that effect.

    Remember how Rutherford sent average bible students to the streets even though they risked their health and lives, and how he used them as pawns in his political games? Or how the WTS used the Malawi situation to paint a picture of religious persecution to cover up its own stupid directives? If you arrest one witness, you immediately strengthen thousands of other witnesse in "the Truth". You give them powerful arguments to fuel their internal and external propaganda.


  • DannyHaszard

    Moscow police raid Jehovah's Witnesses
    Malaysia Sun, Malaysia - 24 minutes ago
    ... meeting in a rented hall in the Lyublino district, telling the approximately 200 worshipers that they were violating a 2004 ban on Jehovah's Witnesses in Moscow ... Moscow police raid Jehovah's Witnesses
    Big News Network
    Friday 14th April, 2006 (UPI) Moscow police have interrupted a prayer meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses, briefly detaining 14 worshipers.

    More than 30 police officers raided the Wednesday evening meeting in a rented hall in the Lyublino district, telling the approximately 200 worshipers that they were violating a 2004 ban on Jehovah's Witnesses in Moscow.

    The police arrived in about 10 cars while the worshipers were commemorating the Last Supper by passing around symbolic bread and wine, said Vasily Kalin, head of the managing committee of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia.

    They wouldn't even allow them to finish the ceremony. There was nothing secretive going on there. They could have allowed them to finish, Kalin said by telephone from St. Petersburg.

    The meeting's organizers were taken to a nearby police station for routine document checks after vigilant citizens reported the meeting, but were released about four hours later without any written explanation for their detention.

    In June 2004, the Moscow City Court barred Jehovah's Witnesses from engaging in religious activities, citing a law that bans religious groups deemed to incite hatred or intolerance.

    Kalin, however, said the ban applied to Jehovah's Witnesses only as a legal entity and that the Russian Constitution guaranteed members freedom of assembly. http://comment.bignewsnetwork.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=12422&an=0&page=0#12422 COMMENT BOX

    Have your say on this story comment box

  • greendawn

    Pole, in France they were denied the status of a religion after the relevent government body examined their actions and decided that they should be labelled as a cult which of course lost them their tax free status apart from stigmatising them publicly with an unpleasnt reputation.

    I don't know if the catholic church had a hand in this but the French who put in order their own catholic religion since their revolution 200 years ago won't look kindly upon an oppressive organisation that is a foreign fruit, "Made in the USA" and imported from there.

    The dubs went to the European court with 32 accusations against the French Government but lost on all counts.

  • DannyHaszard

    How this news looks to 95% of the world's readers> Moscow police raid Unification church it is a foregone conclusion that Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult

  • Pole


    :Pole, in France they were denied the status of a religion after the relevent government body examined their actions and decided that they should be labelled as a cult which of course lost them their tax free status apart from stigmatising them publicly with an unpleasnt reputation

    Well, I'm not so sure about the original reason. There was a thread where some French posters (including Narkissos) suggeted that the investigation followed some taxatioan issue, but I can't seem to find this thread now.

    :I don't know if the catholic church had a hand in this but the French who put in order their own catholic religion since their revolution 200 years ago won't look kindly upon an oppressive organisation that is a foreign fruit, "Made in the USA" and imported from there.

    I never said that the CC was involved in France, only that the Orthodox Church was involved in Moscow.



  • DannyHaszard
    Moscow police raid Jehovah`s Witnesses
    Monsters and Critics.com, UK - 17 minutes ago
    MOSCOW, Russia (UPI) -- Moscow police have interrupted a prayer meeting of Jehovah`s Witnesses, briefly detaining 14 worshipers. ...

    Easy comment box post yours

  • greendawn

    Pole, surely Narkissos will know these things but as far as I recall the French Government saw the JWs as a socially disruptive element for prohibiting voting, blood transfusions and shunning family members that left the sect.

    They refused to recognise them as a religion and a charitable non profit organisation and slapped on them a big tax demand for their profits made in France and forced them to pay social security for the Bethel boys.

    Now that's what I call the correct policy towards devious organisations like the JWs, we know well that their charitable works are basically nil.

  • Oroborus21

    Jehovah's Witnesses are not a cult. However, even cults in most instances are deserving of their basic HUMAN rights to assemble peaceably and to worship whatever god they choose or it whatever way they want. Such fundamental human rights are not the province of orthodox or even the mainstream.

    Anyone, west or east, that would revel in such an obvious denial of human rights - simply because it is the Jehovah's Witnesses - only shows that when it comes to JWs, nothing is too low for them. It is only just a tiny step between police (Gestapo-type) crackdowns, to imprisonment to genocide. Such persons have no claim to enlightenment and certainly not Christianity and you provide no reason why anyone should listen to you about anything, even your legitimate criticisms.

    Greendawn, as usual your comments contribute nothing to the discussion since there is no such thing as a discussion when it comes to JWs as far as you are concerned. (and besides, I don't see how anyone could ever take someone who uses that stupid Austin Powers movie character as an avatar serious - but perhaps it shows that you found that movie funny which says quite a bit about you.)

    Richie Rich - I will chalk your comments up to youthful ignorance. The fact that something may be a law does not make it right. In the U.S. it was not too long ago that the law forbade intermarriage, segregated persons of color from whites in schools and public facilities, and did not permit women to vote, etc.

    Being a student of Russian culture for more than a decade and a half, it saddens me to see something like this. Russia has a long way to go in many areas but one day it will embrace full human rights for all of its citizens and learn to tolerate both dissident political speech and minority religions, sects and cults.


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