New to the forum - want to introduce myself

by lovelylil 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • SickofLies

    Welcome to the largest Ex-JW comunity on the net! Enjoy your stay!

  • Legolas
    Legolas can edit it off if you on your name...then click on post history...then click on your first post and hit edit...then you can delete your address if you want!

  • serendipity

    Hi Lillian, welcome to the forum! I'm glad you and your family have found happiness.

  • ferret

    Welcome lovelylil. Glad you finally found peace in your life.

  • lisavegas420

    *wipes a way a tear* Oh how I love a happy ending.

    Welcome lovelylil. Thank you for sharing your story.


  • jeeprube
    It suddenly hit me that there was a "evil" presence in the hall and that these were not God's people.

    The more I come to dwell on this issue, the more I agree with your statement. This has been bugging me for some time. At first I believed that JW's were merely misled, their hearts where in the right place, they were just overzealous.

    I'm begining to believe they are led by the devil, they are another of his manifestations to draw us away from Christ. That's a scary thought.

  • KW13

    Jesus did say that false prophets would arise and mislead many!

  • Honesty

    Welcome lovelylil.

    You give hope to the thousands who know it is a lie and have family members trapped in the spiritually devastating cult.

    I knew something was wrong when I read the following scriptures but it still took about 3 years before I realised the reasons why they are wrong:

    John 10:10 I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance.

    Jesus gives us a little bit of heaven right here on earth when we trust Him alone.

    John 14:3 If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come back and receive you to Myself, so that where I am you may be also.

    He is preparing our real home in the hereafter for all those who trust Him.

    Your story is one I'm going to share with a friend whose spouse is still a little undecided about escaping the WATCHTOWER.

  • limbogirl

    Welcome, Lovelylil!

  • Carmel

    I lil, welcome. Well, I don't buy into the personification of evil, but I do think people exude either positive or negative energy and in the KH I don't think you will find a greater concentration of folks beset with negativity driven by guilt and fear. Some are more sensitive to these unseen forces. I suspect you are one. I'm glad for you and wish you well on your quest for sanity and peace. It sounds like you are well on your way. I agree it was a true blessing to have your husband and children all leave with you. Many don't have that experiance.

    I wish you well.


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