Street Witnessing

by parlay 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • parlay

    I've noticed in my area (NY metro) that JW's count time doing "street witnessing".

    Do you see the same in your area?

    Sitting on benches drinking coffee counting time.

    Standing on corners laughing and conversating among themselves as people walk right by.

    If they do acknowledge a passerby, it's a last minute casual holding out of a magazine or tract. So much

    for whetting the appitite. Usually any literature taken ends up in the gutter or in the nearest trashcan.

    It's all about counting time and having a pioneer title.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Occasionally see JW's street witnessing but here the Mormons tend to do it more.

  • zeroday

    I enjoyed street witnessing. It was easy, just stand there like a billboard and say nothing. Rural witnessing was also easy time. If someone had a call two would go in and 4 would sit in the car counting time waiting the longer the better.

  • brutusmaximus

    Street witnessing was easy, not so much money for nothing more time for nothing

    I saw two dubs the other day walking about with a leaflet at the ready my wife made me cross the road as I was going to make a bee line for them and ask one or two tricky questions, maybe another time.

  • blondie

    In NYC and similar urban areas, street witnessing is about the only thing open for them. There is so little "territory" available and then only to elders with book studies that they only have this option. I used to be embarrassed when I was a JW by the wooden Indian style of street witnessing.

    Have you ever seen all those trucks and vans doubled parked for a long time. I knew a JW that would go up to the drivers and talk to them.

    Most territories in NYC are "worked" or "covered" every 4 to 6 weeks.

    Maybe they should move where the need is great, like Pakistan.


    Street witnessing?

  • zeroday
    Most territories in NYC are "worked" or "covered" every 4 to 6 weeks.

    We had territory in California that was covered every two weeks. In Tennessee we had a lot of rural territory and usually covered all of our territory every 6 months. A while back two congos got to gether to compare territories and discovered that each thought the other had a tract of territory. Well it had not been covered in over 5 years. We got the territory and were over joyed that we had some virgin territory to cover.

  • james_woods

    OK - not JW but still gross-out quality:

    There was a few years back a sort of passing fad in Oklahoma City where a little crowd of Baptist Jesus Freaks would get themselves out on a street corner. They would hold a Bible out waving their arms and just scream out loud at any particular passerby at the top of their lungs. It did not matter if the victim was actually listening or not. It was sort of as if they were trying to embarass both themselves, their Baptist elder leader, and anybody who came within earshot.

    I was once accosted at a red light by about three of these creeps. I have a silver Corvette with the TTops off, and a young underdressed lady riding shotgun who obviously belonged in a silver Corvette with the TTops off.

    I just gave Billy Graham Junior the eye - (he had shut down to check out miss Rhonda) - and handed him a cold 12oz regular Coors. Then, I drove off slowly to the rising sound of a small block Chevy.

    See, having done my time doot-to-door, I kind of knew what he must have been going through.


    I see this a lot also. I drive past a bus stop that services two buslines. Across the street from this bus stop is the King-dumb Hell, and there are always people standing in front of the Hell, holding magazines, and chit-chatting. However they never walk to the bus stop and engage the people waiting for their particular bus.

    At first I thought it was because most of the people at the bus stop might be Spanish speaking, and the J-Dubs were English-speakers. That is until one day I needed to take the bus to work (my car was scheduled for repair), and I heard the J-Dubs speaking Spanish. I walked past them (I am Chicano), and they made no effort to engage me in conversation.

    When I was a Dub, it was expected that you would engage people while doing street work. In fact, doing street work, was the only way I could get time and place magazines in the territory my Hell was assigned to. I guess times have changed.

  • KW13

    street witnessing was fast but also pointless...people probably binned stuff around the corner and had no idea who to speak to after reading lol. Probably their Doctor.

  • Poztate
    A while back two congos got to gether to compare territories and discovered that each thought the other had a tract of territory. Well it had not been covered in over 5 years. We got the territory and were over joyed that we had some virgin territory to cover.
    You might have been overjoyed but I will bet the people in "virgin country" were a little pissed off at all the new found attention..

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