Inactive people, who show up only for the memorial.

by free2beme 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • kid-A

    Yes, the dubs are extremely superstitious about the memorial, for what reason I have no idea. I dont recall the GB ever proclaiming that missing the memorial was akin to a "sin against the holy spirit" or other such nonsense. However, for some reason, missing the memorial is like missing a personal appointment with jehoobie himself, for some reason.

    It was always so nauseating watching the inactive crawl out of the woodwork for this annual recruitment seminar. They were inevitably the same twirps that showed up only during the week of the CO visit.....pathetic!

  • jeeprube

    I heven't been to a Memorial in 4 years, this will be number 4. I felt guilty about the 1st one, and even received some pressure the last two. My wife, who is totally against JW's now, still feels the need to attend, as does her disfellowshipped brother. I don't get it, we know JW's are a cult, yet some still feel the need to jump through their hoops one time a year.

  • willyloman
    did they realize that they looked like those Christians who only show up for church on Christmas and Easter

    I joined the JWs 30 years ago in part because I was turned off by the religious hypocrisy I saw all around me. JWs are just as guilty of religious hypocrisy, which is why I stopped going to the KH. To show up at the "Memorial" after not setting foot in a KH for the other 51 weeks of the year is hypocrisy. What's the point?

    Of course, family ties can enter into these decisions. In those cases, all you can do is salute the strength and courage of the captives and grieve for them.

  • 5thGeneration

    It's a pretty simple concept for me.

    The inactive must either still have respect for God, Christ and his sacrifice or want to please a mate.

    If it's the former then they may be sick of the WT and the brothers and the schedule but still respect that one arrangement because the command to observe is scriptural and it may be the only way they have ever known to do it.

    If it's the latter, wouldn't you do it if it got your wife off your back?

  • jeeprube

    The problem with being one of those people who show up once a year for memorial, is that you validate the false beliefs of JW's. You confirm for them that they are right, and you are a pathetic loser who isn't strong enough to follow the right path as set forth by the Governing Body. I've been there and seen it. Trust me, you're a part of conversation after the "ritual" is over. They sit around later that night, mocking and deriding you, while at the same time thumping their chests about how spiritual they are, as evidenced by their Society stats.

    I choose not to be a part of that.

  • Finally-Free
    If it's the latter, wouldn't you do it if it got your wife off your back?

    It's hard to say who can make your life more miserable - the Watchtower, a spouse, or a combination of the two. Each person must weigh their own circumstances and find the least painful solution.

    I'm glad I live alone.


  • undercover
    The problem with being one of those people who show up once a year for memorial, is that you validate the false beliefs of JW's. You confirm for them that they are right, and you are a pathetic loser who isn't strong enough to follow the right path as set forth by the Governing Body. I've been there and seen it. Trust me, you're a part of conversation after the "ritual" is over. They sit around later that night, mocking and deriding you, while at the same time thumping their chests about how spiritual they are, as evidenced by their Society stats.

    I go because my family respectfully and kindly(albeit persistently) asks if I will go to this one meeting with them. I don't care if it validates anyone elses beliefs or not. I'm not there for them, I'm there for my family and my family alone. I don't believe in it anymore, I don't accept it anymore but I can keep peace in the family be attending this one meeting a year. In time, they may give up asking, but like Mary said, if this one thing makes them happy, why not?

    So the "real" christians talk shit about me after I leave? Who cares? They'd talk shit about me if I wasn't there too. They talk shit about me anyway.

    Going to the memorial for me is the same as attending the baptism of my bosses child at the Catholic church. But I don't accept Catholicism. Should I not go to this service because it would validate their false beliefs? No, I'm going because I was asked to attend this one special service.

    As I mentioned in my earlier post, one can use this occassion as a means to show the congregation that we aren't some miserable and guilt-ridden lost soul. You can show them a well-adjusted, happy person who is getting on with life just fine without them. They may not utter it out loud but it will stick in their mind. They'll wonder, "how can he be so happy outside of the organization". Instead of putting the funny money in the contribution box, it would leave more of an impression among the rank and file if all faders showed up happy, smiling and showing them that life outside of the organization has been good, not miserable as they've been taught that it would be.

  • TheListener

    I will be going to the memorial.


    Because it would strain my marriage even further if I didn't. We may be surviving my lack of meetings, and service, but if I miss the memorial it would be like I'm announcing I don't believe in Jesus anymore.

    I'm not ready to make that sort of announcement.

    I'm not given a hard time about my fade so I can be flexible when necessary too.

    So I'm going to the memorial.

  • amac

    Amen Undercover! I'm in the same boat...

  • Jamelle

    I will never set foot in a Kingdom Hall as long as I live. Period. I couldn't handle it emotionally.

    I've recently learned that my sister is inactive and she is very torn about going to the Memorial tonight. She still lives at home with our Witness parents so the pressure is on her to go.

    She is considering downing some Ipicac so she can fake being sick. (ipicac makes you vomit - used for poison victims sometimes I think)

    I try to support her - she has to make her own decisions on things like this. It's just hard for me to watch her torturing herself.

    The whole evening is a load of bull pucky as far as I'm concerned. I'm all for honoring the death/sacrifice of Jesus - but not with those people.

    I understand why some go and sympathize with them for their circumstances. I'm just saying that this is where I am at.

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