Memorial season

by peggy 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    Yah there's no place in the bible where it says the great crowd can't join in . AFA most J-dubbies living a moral life I couldn't say , maybe the very old ones do but most the younger ones I've known were complete hypocrites . Putting on the sunday best was like putting on a diguise I think.

  • anewme

    You and I think alike Cabin. Too bad we're in cabins on opposite sides of the states.

    Tomorrow I will buy my memorial wine. It will be very very good wine.

    Any suggestions????? (remember we're on topic here)

  • peggy

    WHAT makes this a memorial SEASON? I just DON'T get it! HOW long does a season last? A week, a few weeks, a month of pioneering? Who decides? JW's? I have been to many memorials for which someone has died. I have to say that the memorials of the death of a supposed LOVED JW are the most unmoving, almost repulsive services I HAVE ever attended! This past few years I have entered into two different churches for funeral memorials and was moved to tears each time for the love and respect shown to the memory of the loved one.

    I have NEVER been moved to tears at the memorial of Christs death. It is a meeting by rote. The prayers are the worst!

    I don't want my ears TICKELED! I want my HEART touched! I want to feel the EMOTION of the event! If someone actually DIED for me, I want to feel LOVE, GRACE, GRATITUDE! Nothing about this "memorial season", moves me to feel such.


  • Mary

    This is what I am hearing at the meetings. Pioneer! Jesus died for you!

    Ya, like Jesus really cares about how many hours you get it banging on doors..........I'm seriously considering going to a church for Good Friday or Easter Sunday this year, just to see what's what.......never been to a church on Easter.........

  • nsrn

    Easter is a good serivce to visit a church for the first time. There are lots of people that only go on Easter and Christmas, so you don't stand out. Most churches I've been to are fine with dress slacks or khaki's a nice shirt (tie completely optional). They give you a bulletin at the door with the schedule of events, and some indicate when to stand. You can take communion or set it out, no problem.

    Around here, communion is held regularly at churches weekly or monthly or quarterly, depending on the denomination. "Holy week" usually has a special Thursday service that will include some historic meal or footwashing or something. Friday commemorates the actual crucifiction. Then Sunday a.m. there is often a very early service to remember Mary going the tomb. Then the normal service with scads of kids all dressed up wanting the easter egg hunt to start!

    As far as the etiquette for taking the communion: most protestant religions would say that if you recognize that Christ died for you, then you may partake. (some care whether or not you've been baptized, etc, but no one will tackle you at the cup to see if you qualify.)

    For you rookies, there are several ways to take communion. Just do what everyone around you does. Sometimes it gets passed around witness style. Sometimes one big cup, sometimes a bunch of little plastic cups. Sometimes little wafers, sometimes a whole loaf of regular leavened bread. We usually break off a piece of the bread, dip in in the grape juice (Welch's) and pop it in your mouth. AND No lightning bolts through the stained glass directly into my heart that first time! Then at our church you can stop up at the front of the church at the prayer rail and kneel and pray silently for a few minutes.

    Sorry this is so long, I just thought some one might wonder what the procedure 2 cents. Nancy

  • theredhead

    My grandmother keeps on trying to get me to go. I keep telling her that I have a drs. appt and wont be able to make it..She asked me what was more important..Jehobah or my drs apt...

    This drs apt is really serious, I have stage 2 pre cercvial cancer.. So i cant miss this appt...

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